node-saddlecreek v2.1.0
ProLog/ProWares SOAP XML API Wrapper
This is a Node.js Module will allow you to hook into Saddle Creek's Inventory, Fulfillment, & ASN API Endpoints
There two way for setting up the warehouse connector:
var warehouse = require('<...>/warehouse')
warehouse.settings({ ... });
var warehouse = require('<...>/warehouse').settings({ ... });
The settings object could contain these properties:
uselocalWsdl: true, // if FALSE it fallbacks to remoteWsdl
localWsdl: 'local/uri/of/wsdl/file',
remoteWsdl: 'http://remote.url/wsdl/provider',
credentials: {
SystemId: 'xxxxxxxxx', // For testing use '999system'
Password: 'xxxxxx' // For testing use 'prolog'
debugLogs: false // Only use it during development
Recommended to use a local Wsdl file, think what would happen if your server restart in a moment when the remote WSDL server is not online. It will never get connected! One caveat I think on this subject is, if ProLog company decides to change specification, the local file has no way to know this happened. The remote way is no a total warranty neither as all this connector would fail anyway if they introduce several changes in the future.
####warehouse.getInventoryStatus( productArray, callback );
######Arguments productArray: Accepts 'productId' or 'productId1', 'productId2', ...
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null
Result Object { 'Product', 'QuantityAvailable', 'QuantityOnHand', 'QuantityAllocated', 'QuantityExpected', 'QuantityFrozen' }
####warehouse.createOrders( orderObjArray, callback);
######Arguments orderObjArray: Accepts {orderObject} or {orderObject}, {orderObject}, ... and is required Expected orderObject to be in this form:
"OrderNumber": "",
"CustomerNumber": "",
"CustomerPO": "",
"CustomerOrderNumber": "",
"OrderDate": "date-time",
"Delay": 15,
"AutoAllocate": true,
"PartialShip": true,
"SplitShip": false,
"ShippingService": "",
"BillThirdParty": false,
"SaturdayDelivery": false,
"Residential": true,
"InsurePackages": false,
"InsureThreshold": 100.00,
"PackingListTemplate": "",
"PackingListComment": "",
"AccountNumber": "",
"EmailConfirmationAddress": "",
"OrderProcessingVariation": "",
"Subtotal": 0.00,
"Shipping": 0.00,
"Handling": 0.00,
"Discount": 0.00,
"Tax": 0.00,
"Total": 0.00,
"ref1": "",
"ref2": "",
"ref3": "",
"ref4": "",
"ref5": "",
"OrderLines": [
"Product": "",
"Quantity": 1,
"Description": "",
"Price": 0.00,
"DeclaredValue": 0.00,
"Allocations": [{
"Warehouse": "",
"Quantity": 1
"ref1": "",
"ref2": "",
"ref3": ""
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"CompanyName": "",
"Address1": "",
"Address2": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"Country": "",
"PhoneNumber": ""
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"CompanyName": "",
"Address1": "",
"Address2": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"Country": "",
"PhoneNumber": ""
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null --> Note: Albeit the error object contains validation error info, it is not normalized therefore is not suitable to client side validation, suggested a client side validation
Result Object ( an object representing the raw response from the service intended for debugging use, remember that with the sole fact that the err argument is null is enough to know that the order was sent successfuly note: if one item fails they the whole batch is aborted this is prologs response)
####warehouse.getTrackingStatus( orderNumberArray, callback );
######Arguments orderNumberArray: Accepts 'orderId' or 'orderId', 'orderId', ... and is required
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null
Result is an array of Objects with following form:
{ 'OrderNumber': '...', 'Status': '...', 'ShippingService': '...', 'Shipments': [ { 'Status': '...', 'ShippedDate': DateTime, 'Packages': [ { 'TrackingNumber': '...', 'ShippedDate': DateTime, 'Weight': '##.##', 'Cost' : '##.##' } ] } ] };
- If there aren't shipment then order.Shipments won't exist in the response
If there aren't packages then order.Shipments.Packages won't exist neither
####warehouse.createASN( ASN, callback);
######Arguments ASN: Accepts {ASN Object} required Expected ASN Object to be in this form:
"ASNNumber": "", // req
"PONumber": "",
"Notes": "",
"ExpectedDate": DateTime, // req
"Warehouse": "", // req
"Carrier": "", // req
"Lines": [{
"Sku": "", // req
"QuantityExpected": 0 // req
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null
Result is an array of Objects with following form:
"ProLogCode": "",
"ProLogMessage": ""
####warehouse.getASNStatus( type, asnNameString, callback );
######Arguments type: This Field tells the warehouse if the asn you are providing in the second argument is of type ASN or of type PO Accepts 'ASN' or 'PO' and is required
asn: Accepts 'Client ASN' or 'SC ASN' or 'Client PO' and is required
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null
Result Object with following form:
{ "ASNNumber": "", "PONumber": "", "Status": "COMPLETE", // possible values: WORKING, EXPECTED, OPEN, COMPLETE, CANCELLED "Notes": "", "Lines": [{ "Sku": "", "Product": "", "QuantityExpected": 0, "QuantityReceived": 0, "QuantityStocked": 0 }, { "Sku": "", "Product": "", "QuantityExpected": 0, "QuantityReceived": 0, "QuantityStocked": 0 }] }
####warehouse.deleteOrder( OrderNumber, callback);
######Arguments OrderNumber: Accepts String with the order number required Expected ASN Object to be in this form:
callback ( err, result ): Accepts only function and is required Arguments passed:
- Error Object or null
- Result is an array of Objects with following form:
"ProLogMessage": ""
######Addtional Notes
- This enpoint according to saddle creek customer service does not exist (and probably should not be used) but it's in the wsdl file and as seen in the testing it does in fact work.
- Orders can only be deleted if they are still in the OPEN state.
Orders can't be deleted if they are staged. (probably haven't tested)
######Arguments A superficial Validation (schema validation) see createOrder() for format ######Arguments
order: Accepts order Object required
Returns: Either 'SUCCESS' or Array of issues
####warehouse.validate.ASN(ASN); A superficial Validation (schema validation) see createASN() for format ######Arguments
ASN: Accepts ASN Object required
Returns: Either 'SUCCESS' or Array of issues
Implemented API Point (Based on the wsdl file)
- PLGetInventory
- PLSubmitOrder
- PLGetOrderStatus
- PLSubmitASN
- PLGetASNStatus
The Following api points according to Saddle Creek Don't exist. They are however disclosed in the wsdl file so ##USE AT YOUR OWN RISK##
- PLCreateSKU
- PLGetSKUData
- PLCreateProduct
- PLUpdateOrder
- PLDeleteOrder
- getInventoryStatus()
- createOrders()
- getTrackingStatus()
- createASN()
- getASNStatus()
- deleteOrder()