1.1.3 • Published 3 years ago

node-satispay v1.1.3

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Last release
3 years ago


Node.js wrapper for the Satispay API.

Table of Contents


npm i node-satispay


  1. Generate RSA keys and Obtain the KeyId as described in the official documentation.

  2. Require node-satispay in your file.

    const satispay = require('node-satispay')
  3. Create config options, with parameters (key_id, private_key, sandbox).

      key_id: 'your_key_id',
      private_key: 'your_private_key', //`-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n[...]\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----`
      sandbox: true
  4. Invoke the API (eg: create a Satispay payment) with required parameters (eg: flow, amount_unit, currency).

    const payment = await satispay.create_payment({
      flow: 'MATCH_CODE',
      amount_unit: 100,
      currency: 'EUR'

Usage with callbacks

Promises and callbacks are both supported.

  flow: 'MATCH_CODE',
  amount_unit: 100,
  currency: 'EUR'
}, null, (err, payment) => {
  // ...


Please refer to the official documentation for more information regarding the parameters.

Host, Date, Digest and Authorization headers are always added automatically.


Obtain the KeyId

API to retrieve the KeyId

obtain_key_id(public_key, token, [callback(err, res)])
  • public key (string) RSA public key, in pkcs8 encoding

  • token (string) Activation code that can be generated from the Satispay Dashboard (or provided manually for Sandbox account)

Test the Authentication

API to test your authentication.

Please note that this API works on Sandbox endpoint only.

test_authentication([callback(err, res)])


Create payment

API to create a payment

create_payment(body_params, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | flow required | The flow of the payment (MATCH_CODE, MATCH_USER, REFUND or PRE_AUTHORIZED) | string | | amount_unit required | Amount of the payment in cents | number | | pre_authorized_payments_token | Pre-Authorized token id (required with the PRE_AUTHORIZED flow only) | string | | parent_payment_uid | Unique ID of the payment to refund (required with the REFUND flow only) | string | | currency required | Currency of the payment (only EUR currently supported) | string | | expiration_date | The expiration date of the payment | string | | external_code | Order ID or payment external identifier. Max length allowed is 50 chars. | string | | callback_url | The url that will be called with an http GET request when the Payment changes state. When url is called a Get payment details can be called to know the new Payment status. Note that {uuid} will be replaced with the Payment ID | string | | metadata | Generic field that can be used to store generic info . The field phone_number can be used to pre-fill the mobile number. If integrating the Web-Redirect redirect_url is mandatory | object | | consumer_uid | Unique ID of the consumer that has to accept the payment. To retrieve the customer uid use the Retrive customer API (required with the MATCH_USER flow only) | string |

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | Idempotency-Key | The idempotent token of the request | string | | x-satispay-deviceinfo | Info about the device | string | | x-satispay-os | Operative System name | string | | x-satispay-devicetype | Device type: SMARTPHONE, TABLET, CASH-REGISTER, POS or PC | string | | x-satispay-osv | Operative System version | string | | x-satispay-apph | Software house name | string | | x-satispay-appn | Software name | string | | x-satispay-appv | Software version | string | | x-satispay-tracking-code | Tracking code used by Satispay commercial partners | string

Get payment details

API to retrieve the detail of a specific payment

get_payment_details(id, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) The id of the payment to retrieve

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | x-satispay-response-wait-time | Seconds that the call will be hanging, waiting for a payment status change. Maximum value is 60 seconds. | string |

Get shop-payments list

API to retrieve the list of payments for a specific shop. The shop is automatically filtered based on the KeyID used in the authorisation header.

get_shop_payments_list([query_params], [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • query_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | status | Filter by the payment status ACCEPTED, PENDING or CANCELED | string | | limit | A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100 | number | | starting_after | Is the id that defines your place in the list when you make a payment list request | string | | starting_after_timestamp | Is the timestamp (in milliseconds) that defines your place in the list when you make a payment list request | string |

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | x-satispay-deviceinfo | Info about the device | string | | x-satispay-os | Operative System name | string | | x-satispay-devicetype | Device type: SMARTPHONE, TABLET, CASH-REGISTER, POS or PC | string | | x-satispay-osv | Operative System version | string | | x-satispay-apph | Software house name | string | | x-satispay-appn | Software name | string | | x-satispay-appv | Software version | string | | x-satispay-tracking-code | Tracking code used by Satispay commercial partners | string

Update payment

API to update the state or metadata of a payment

update_payment(id, body_params, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) The id of the payment to update

  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | action required | The update action to perform (ACCEPT, CANCEL or CANCEL_OR_REFUND). | string | | metadata | Generic field that can be used to store the order_id. | object |

  • extra_headers (object)

Shop daily closure

Retrieve daily closure

API to retrieve shop daily closure

retrieve_daily_closure(daily_closure_date, [query_params], [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • daily_closure_date (string) The day on which retrieve the daily closure (format yyyyMMdd, eg: 20201231)

  • query_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | generate_pdf | Generate the pdf with the daily closure amounts | boolean |

  • extra_headers (object)


Create authorization

API to request a new pre-authorized token

create_authorization([body_params], [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | reason | The reason why the token is being request | string | | callback_url | The url that will be called with an http GET request if the pre-authorization status changes. Note that {uuid} will be replaced with the authorization token | string | | metadata | Generic field that can be used to store additional data. The field phone_number can be used to pre-fill the mobile number. If integrating the Web-Redirect redirect_url is mandatory. | object |

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | Idempotency-Key | The idempotent token of the request | string |

Get authorization

API to get details about pre-authorized token

get_authorization(id, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) Pre-Authorized Payment Token

  • extra_headers (object)

Fund lock

Create mqtt certificates

API to create a PEM certificate and the private key for a shop mqtt device

create_mqtt_certificates([extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • extra_headers (object)

Open session

API to open a session from a fund lock

open_session(body_params, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | fund_lock_uid required | Unique ID of the fund lock obtained from mqtt client | string |

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | Idempotency-Key | The idempotent token of the request | string |

Create session event

API to create an event for an open session

create_session_event(id, body_params, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) The ID of the session

  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | operation required | The operation to perform on the amount (ADD/REMOVE) | string | | amount_unit required | Amount of the session event in cents | string | | currency required | Currency of the session event | string |

  • extra_headers (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | Idempotency-Key | The idempotent token of the request | string |

Get session details

API to retrieve the detail of a specific session

get_session_details(id, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) The ID of the session

  • extra_headers (object)

Update session

API to change the state of the session

update_session(id, body_params, extra_headers, [callback(err, res)])
  • id (string) The ID of the session

  • body_params (object) | field | description | type | |---|---|---| | action required | The operation to perform on the session (CLOSE) | string |

  • extra_headers (object)


Retrieve consumer

API to retrieve a customer uid from the phone number

retrieve_consumer(phone_number, [extra_headers], [callback(err, res)])
  • phone_number (string) The phone number formatted with its prefix (eg. +390000000000)

  • extra_headers (object)

Support my projects

If you appreciate my work and want to give something back, you can make a donation. I'll probably buy a coffee beer.

  • PayPal You can make a donation here.

  • Bitcoin You can send me bitcoins at this address: 37frCJizACGsqwUYf7DR9mx1m1AFdGBPVg.


Thanks! :)


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago