1.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

node-schedule-manager v1.0.4

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2 years ago


The node-schedule-manager module is a simple job manager for distributed system, to ensure the exclusive job can be running at only one server at any given moment. This module use MySQL as persistent layer and node-cron as job scheduler.


Install node-schedule-manager using npm:

$ npm install node-schedule-manager


Since node-schedule-manager use MySQL as persistence layer, you must pass a MySQL connection pool config or an existing connection pool object to schedule manager to create MySQL connection. Upon database connection success, schedule manager will create two tables (schedule_job, schedule_job_log) to store the schedule job related data.

Initialize with connection pool config:

const ScheduleJobManager = require('node-schedule-manager').ScheduleJobManager;

let initResult = await ScheduleJobManager.initWithMySQLConfig({
  host: '',
  port: '3306',
  user: 'db_user',
  password: 'db_password',
  database: 'db',
  waitForConnections: true,
  connectionLimit: 5

if(!initResult.success) {
  //init failed;
}else {
  //init success;

Initialize with connection poool Object:

const mysql = require('mysql');
const ScheduleJobManager = require('node-schedule-manager').ScheduleJobManager;

let pool = mysql.createPool({
    host: '',
  	port: '3306',
  	user: 'db_user',
  	password: 'db_password',
  	database: 'db',
  	waitForConnections: true,
  	connectionLimit: 5

let initResult = await ScheduleJobManager.initWithConnPool(pool);

if(!initResult.success) {
  //init failed;
}else {
  //init success;

Cron Syntax

Schedule Manager use node-cron as job scheduler, so you can reference the Cron Syntax section of node-cron to learn how to write a correct cron job setting.

*    *    *    *    *    *
┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬
│    │    │    │    │    │
│    │    │    │    │    └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
│    │    │    │    └───── month (1 - 12)
│    │    │    └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│    │    └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│    └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
└───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)

Job Consumer

You must create a job consumer for each job to implement your job logic, here is an example:

const JobConsumer = require('node-schedule-manager').JobConsumer;

class SampleJobConsumer extends JobConsumer {
  constructor() {

  async run(job, jobLog) {
    //your job logic here;
    //compete job with execution result;
    await super.complete(jobLog, 'job execution result');
module.exports = new SampleJobConsumer();

Start a Job

After initialization and create a job consumer, you can use ScheduleJobManager to start a job, here is an example:

let result = await ScheduleJobManager.newJob('jobName', '*/1 * * * *', {jobParam: 'value'}, '/SampleJobConsumer.js', true, 'ACTIVE');

if(!result.success) {
  //add job failed;

let startJobResult = await ScheduleJobManager.startJobById(result.job.getId());

if(!startJobResult.success) {
  //start job failed;

Job API Doc

Schedule Job Object

let getJobByIdResult = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobById(jobId);
let job = getJobByIdResult.job;

//return Job ID;
//return Job Name;
//return Job Parameters;
//return Job Cron Setting;
//return Job Consumer file path;
//return Job exclusive indicator;
//return Job Status;

//set job name;
//set job parameters;
job.setParam({jobPara: 'value'});
//set job status;

New Job

* Add new Job to database;
* @Param {String} jobName - Job Name, must unique
* @Param {String} jobCron - Job Cron Setting
* @Param {String or JSON Object} jobParam - Job parameters
* @Param {String} jobConsumer - Path to job consumer file, base on project root
* @Param {Boolean} exclusive - if true, job can be running at only one server at any given moment
* @Param {String} jobStatus - custom job status
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate add job success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
*   {ScheduleJob} job - Schedule Job Object
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.newJob('jobName', jobCron, jobParam, jobConsumer, exclusive, jobStatus);

Update Job

* Update job
* @Param {ScheduleJob} job - Schedule Job Object
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate update job success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let getJobByIdResult = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobById(jobId);
let job = getJobByIdResult.job;
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.updateJob(job);

Delete Job

* Delete job
* @Param {String} jobId - JobID
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate delete job success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.deleteJob(jobId);

Get Job by ID

* Get Job By Id
* @Param {String} jobId - JobID
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate get job id success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
*   {ScheduleJob} job - Schedule Job Object
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobById(jobId);
let job = result.job;

Get Jobs by Status

* Get Jobs By Status
* @Param {String} Job Status
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate get job by status success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
*   {Array} jobs - Schedule Job Array
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobsByStatus('ACTIVE');
let jobs = result.jobs;

Get running jobs

* Get running jobs
* @return {Array} jobs - Schedule Job Array
let jobs = ScheduleJobManager.getRunningJobs();

Start Job by Id

* Start Job By Id
* @Param {String} jobId - JobID
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate start job by id success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.startJobById(jobId);

Start Job by Status

* Start Job By Status
* @Param {String} Job Status
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate start job by status success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.startJobsByStatus('ACTIVE');

Restart Job by Id

* Restart Job By Id
* @Param {String} Job Id
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate restart job by id success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.restartJobById(jobId);

Stop Job By Id

* Stop Job By Id
* @Param {String} Job Id
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate stop job by id success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
let result = await ScheduleJobManager.stopJobById(jobId);

Job Log API Doc

Schedule Job Log Object

let jobLogsResult = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobLog({order: 'asc', offset: 0, limit:10});
let jobLog = jobLogsResult.logs[0];

//get job log id;
//get job id;
//get job machine ip;
//get job start time;
//get job end time;
//get job execution result;

Get Job Log

* Get Job Log order by job start time;
* @Param {JSON Object}
*   {Number} offset - result starting offset
*   {Number} limit - result limit
*   {String} order - result order, 'DESC' or 'ASC'
* @Param {String} jobId - get job log by job id, default value is '' with return all job log
* @return {Object}
*   {Boolean} success - indicate get job log success or not
*   {String} err - Error message
*   {Array} logs - Job Log array

//get job log for all job;
let jobLogsResult = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobLog({order: 'ASC', offset: 0, limit:10});
let jobLogs = jobLogsResult.logs;

//get job log for jobid = 1;
let jobLogsResult = await ScheduleJobManager.getJobLog({order: 'ASC', offset: 0, limit:10}, '1');
let jobLogs = jobLogsResult.logs;