0.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

node-service-layer v0.2.1

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Last release
5 years ago


Realization of Service Layer pattern

Table of Contents


    npm install github:Maxwell88/service-layer


    yarn add github:Maxwell88/service-layer


// serviceLayer.js
import { ServiceLayer } from "service-layer";
const koaResolver = result => this.body = result;
const koaArgsBuilder = args => args[0];
export const new ServiceLayer(
            /* Your before rules for example: */
                name: "exampleRequireRule",
                type: "require",
                execute: (ctx,args,serviceData) => {
                        rule logic and return changed context to another rule 
                        or if it last than to service
                    return ctx

        after: [
            /* Your after rules */
// router.js
import Router from "koa-router";

import ServiceLayer from "./serviceLayer";
import ExampleServiceClass from "./ExampleServiceClass";

const router = new Router({ prefix: config.PREFIX });

router.post("/example", ServiceLayer.useService(ExampleServiceClass));

export default router;
// router.js
import { Service } from "service-layer";

export default class Create extends Service {
        there you can iniate your required and custom rules for example:
    static exampleRequireRule = "simple args"
    static exampleCustomRule = "simple args"

    async execute(ctx) {
            service logic
        let result;
        return result; // return data to resolver


  • Service Layer

    constructor(resolver:function, argumentBuilder: function, rules: object): ServiceLayer useService(service: Service): Function

    1. argumentBuilder - function that have one field that is array of arguments that receives middleware of Koa/express/hapi etc. and must return changed context that would been used at future.
    2. resolver - function that have one argument - result, that argument contain a final result of service, this of resolver is a context from argumentsBuilder . Rules don`t have influence at resolver this
    3. rules - object that have two field before:array and after:array with objects of rule that have 3 required field name, type, execute:

      nameString+Name of rule, and name of static param for Service class if type of rule not hidden
      typeone of hidden, required or custom strings+type of function behavior . hidden - execute always, don`t use static field of Service class, required - execute always, static field of Service class is required otherwise RULE_IS_REQUIRED exeption, custom - execute only if static field is not empty
      executeFunction+Name of rule, and name of static param for Service class
  • Service

    Service class for inheritance with required execute: function field (look usage).

  • Exeption

    constructor(data: object): Error The data object has the following fields:

    fieldsobject with string fields or empty+Errored fields
    codeString+Exeption code


Licensed under the MIT license.