6.0.4 • Published 6 years ago
node-ssh-no-module-ver v6.0.4
Node-SSH - SSH2 with Promises
Node-SSH is an extremely lightweight Promise wrapper for ssh2, Period.
var path, node_ssh, ssh, fs
fs = require('fs')
path = require('path')
node_ssh = require('node-ssh')
ssh = new node_ssh()
host: 'localhost',
username: 'steel',
privateKey: '/home/steel/.ssh/id_rsa'
host: 'localhost',
username: 'steel',
privateKey: fs.readFileSync('/home/steel/.ssh/id_rsa')
if you want to use the raw string as private key
.then(function() {
// Local, Remote
ssh.putFile('/home/steel/Lab/localPath', '/home/steel/Lab/remotePath').then(function() {
console.log("The File thing is done")
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong")
// Array<Shape('local' => string, 'remote' => string)>
ssh.putFiles([{ local: '/home/steel/Lab/localPath', remote: '/home/steel/Lab/remotePath' }]).then(function() {
console.log("The File thing is done")
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong")
// Local, Remote
ssh.getFile('/home/steel/Lab/localPath', '/home/steel/Lab/remotePath').then(function(Contents) {
console.log("The File's contents were successfully downloaded")
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong")
// Putting entire directories
const failed = []
const successful = []
ssh.putDirectory('/home/steel/Lab', '/home/steel/Lab', {
recursive: true,
concurrency: 10,
validate: function(itemPath) {
const baseName = path.basename(itemPath)
return baseName.substr(0, 1) !== '.' && // do not allow dot files
baseName !== 'node_modules' // do not allow node_modules
tick: function(localPath, remotePath, error) {
if (error) {
} else {
}).then(function(status) {
console.log('the directory transfer was', status ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful')
console.log('failed transfers', failed.join(', '))
console.log('successful transfers', successful.join(', '))
// Command
ssh.execCommand('hh_client --json', { cwd:'/var/www' }).then(function(result) {
console.log('STDOUT: ' + result.stdout)
console.log('STDERR: ' + result.stderr)
// Command with escaped params
ssh.exec('hh_client', ['--json'], { cwd: '/var/www', stream: 'stdout', options: { pty: true } }).then(function(result) {
console.log('STDOUT: ' + result)
// With streaming stdout/stderr callbacks
ssh.exec('hh_client', ['--json'], {
cwd: '/var/www',
onStdout(chunk) {
console.log('stdoutChunk', chunk.toString('utf8'))
onStderr(chunk) {
console.log('stderrChunk', chunk.toString('utf8'))
type PutFilesOptions = {
sftp: ?Object,
sftpOptions?: Object,
concurrency?: number = 5,
type PutDirectoryOptions = {
sftp: ?Object,
sftpOptions?: Object,
concurrency?: number = 5,
recursive?: boolean,
tick?: ((localPath: string, remotePath: string, error: ?Error) => void),
validate?: ((localPath: string) => boolean),
type ExecOptions = {
cwd?: string,
options?: Object // passed to ssh2.exec
stdin?: string,
stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr' | 'both',
onStdout?: ((chunk: Buffer) => void),
onStderr?: ((chunk: Buffer) => void),
class SSH{
connect(config: SSH2Config): Promise<this>
requestSFTP(): Promise<SSH2SFTP>
requestShell(): Promise<SSH2Shell>
mkdir(path: string, method: 'sftp' | 'exec' = 'sftp', givenSftp?: Object): Promise<string>
exec(command: string, parameters: Array<string>, options: ExecOptions = {}): Promise<Object | string>
execCommand(command: string, options: { cwd: string, stdin: string } = {}): Promise<{ stdout: string, options?: Object, stderr: string, signal: ?string, code: number }>
putFile(localFile: string, remoteFile: string, sftp: ?Object = null, opts: ?Object = null): Promise<void>
getFile(localFile: string, remoteFile: string, sftp: ?Object = null, opts: ?Object = null): Promise<void>
putFiles(files: Array<{ local: string, remote: string }>, options: PutFilesOptions = {}): Promise<void>
putDirectory(localDirectory: string, remoteDirectory: string, options: PutDirectoryOptions = {}): Promise<boolean>
dispose(): void
Keyboard-interactive user authentication
In some cases you have to enable keyboard-interactive user authentication. Otherwise you will get an All configured authentication methods failed
const password = 'test'
host: 'localhost',
username: 'steel',
port: 22,
tryKeyboard: true,
onKeyboardInteractive: (name, instructions, instructionsLang, prompts, finish) => {
if (prompts.length > 0 && prompts[0].prompt.toLowerCase().includes('password')) {
For further information see: https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2/issues/604
This project is licensed under the terms of MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.