0.2.0 • Published 2 years ago

node-telegram-keyboards v0.2.0

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2 years ago



node-telegram-keyboards is an asynchronous library that allows you to generate dynamic and static keyboards and allows you to save the finished keyboard template in json and return the keyboard back from the json templater

Table of Contents


  • Easy to generate keyboards of any complexity
  • Easily save, create and use keyboard templates
  • Supports the Promise API


Using npm:

$ npm i node-telegram-keyboards


import {KeyboardBuilder} from "node-telegram-keyboards";
import {KeyboardButtons} from "node-telegram-keyboards";
import {InlineKeyboardButtons} from "node-telegram-keyboards";

async function replyKeyboardStatic() {
    const keyboard = await KeyboardBuilder.keyboard().static()
            KeyboardButtons.poll("example", "quiz"),
            KeyboardButtons.webApp("example", "https://example.site/")
        .layout((data, template) => template.topToBottom())

async function replyKeyboardDynamic() {
    const keyboard = await KeyboardBuilder.keyboard().dynamic()
        .data([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        .use(async (storage, data) => {
            storage.counter = 0;
        .map(async (element, storage, positionIndex) => {
            if (positionIndex % 2 == 0) {
                storage.counter = + positionIndex;
                return KeyboardButtons.text(storage.counter);
            storage.counter = + positionIndex;
            return KeyboardButtons.text(element);
        .layout((data, template) => template.topToBottom())

async function inlineKeyboardStatic() {
    const inlineKeyboard = await KeyboardBuilder.inlineKeyboard().static()
           InlineKeyboardButtons.url("example", "https://example.site/"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.callbackData("example", "exampleData"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.webApp("example", "https://example.site/"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.loginUrl("example", "https://example.site/"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.switchInlineQuery("example", "query"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.switchInlineQueryCurrentChat("example", "query"),
           InlineKeyboardButtons.callbackGame("example", "callbackGame"),
        .layout((data, template) => template.topToBottom())

async function inlineKeyboardDynamic() {
    const inlineKeyboard = await KeyboardBuilder.inlineKeyboard().dynamic()
        .data([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
        .use(async (storage, data) => {
            storage.counter = 0;
        .map(async (element, storage, positionIndex) => {
            if (positionIndex % 2 == 0) {
                storage.counter = + positionIndex;
                return InlineKeyboardButtons.callbackData(element, storage.counter);
            storage.counter = + positionIndex;
            return InlineKeyboardButtons.callbackData(element, positionIndex);
        .layout((data, template) => template.topToBottom())

API reference


static keyboard()Returns a static or dynamic ReplyKeyboard keyboard selector
static inlineKeyboard()Returns a static or dynamic InlineKeyboard keyboard selector
static assign(type, keyboards)Connects all keyboards into one
static save(keyboard)Converts ReplyKeyboard or InlineKeyboard objects to JSON object suitable for telegram
static async saveToJSON(keyboard, filename)Converts and saves ReplyKeyboard or InlineKeyboard objects to a JSON file that can be used as ready-made keyboard template
static template(json)Based on the keyboard template, builds a new ReplyKeyboard or InlineKeyboard object
static async templateFromJSON(pathToJSON)Reads a JSON file and creates a new ReplyKeyboard or InlineKeyboard object based on the keyboard template

Static and Dynamic Keyboard or InlineKeyboard reference

Common methods that both keyboards have.

In static implementation:

buttons(buttons)buttons: array, array of KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtonssAn array of buttons to which you need to pass KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtonss objects, depending on which keyboard you are building Keyboard or InlineKeyboard

In dynamic implementation:

use(callbackfn)async/sync () => arrayIt takes as input a callback function that is called once and, depending on what conditions it processes, should return an array of KeyboardButtons or InlineKeyboardButtons
data(array, start, end)array: array, start: number, end: numberIt takes an array of data as input, which it then converts to KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtons, the start and end parameters are needed to indicate from which position to take elements for buttons, by default the entire array is taken, they can be omitted
storage(callbackfn)async/sync (storage: object, data: array) => storageIt accepts a callback function as input, which initializes the store, which is passed to the callback function in the map method, in this store you can pass data between KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtons
map(callbackfn)async/sync (element: the type is equal to the type of the element retrieved from the data , storage: object, positionIndex: number) => KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtonsIt accepts a callback function as input, which is called for each element from the data array and converts it to KeyboardButtons orInlineKeyboardButtons

For all implementations:

layout(callbackfn)async/sync (data: array, template: TemplateLayout) => arrayIt takes a callback function as input, which should return an array with markup, the markup looks like this, you specify how many buttons will be in a row and how many lines there will be. For example: 5 - 5 buttons will be placed in a row, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 - there will be 5 buttons in 5 lines, 2, 3 - buttons will be located on two lines, on the first 2, on the second 3 respectively. *In the markup, you must specify the exact number of buttons or specify the markup calculation algorithm in the callback function, otherwise there will be an error
async build()-Returns a finished keyboard that can be sent to Telegram






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