1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

node-triod-apq v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Async non blocking connector from Node.js to PostgreSQL via libpq. N-API.

It is my own implementation, based on my own requirements. 1. Fast. 2. Simple. 3. Minimal code size. Aprox 100 lines of c++ code.

Implemented 2 basic calls. PQexec() & PQexecParams() from libpq. This calls cover over 99% cases and requirements(my own). A tutorial, describing this project, can be found at the N-API Resource.

Requirements: 1. Installed Nodejs. May be with dev headers. 2. Working node-gyp and npm tools. 3. Working libpq library from PostgreSQL. 4. libpq use login/password/database name environment variables. 5. PostgreSQL's connection string NOT used. No plain text login/pass stored. 6. You should customize ./test/Test.js for meet yours environment. 7. Connector accept ONLY strings. Returns strings. Remember, always pass strings. For example not 5, but '5'

export PGUSER=username
export PGHOST=x.x.x.x
export PGPASSWORD=password
export PGDATABASE=dbname
export PGPORT=xxxx

To build and run this program on your system, clone it to your computer and run these two commands inside your clone:

npm install
npm test

How to use, see ./test/test.js. This is simplified promise version. Connector returns 4 things. ntuples (row count), nfields (fields count) and ExecStatus, as it returned by PostgreSQL. Returned data implemented as key-value Object properties, key is int. For example, sql_result[0] = '123456'; sql_result[1] = 'test data'; This is loop-optimized. If blob data returned (picture or other binary data), it encoded/escaped via PostgreSQL server, not connector. Connector simple pass As-Is. First 2 bytes is \x. For insert bytea type data, convert it to string hex and prefix \x For example \x0011223344556677889900aabb. Selecting return same format. First 2 chars is \x

Typical usage:

const runWorker = require('node-triod-apq');

let r = runWorker.run('SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE t = $1 and i = $2', "joe's place", '1');
let r1 =runWorker.run('select * from test1');

r.then(rv => {
    console.log("rv=", rv);

r1.then(rv1 => {
    console.log("rv1=", rv1);

As it is opensource, C++ code is self-documented.