1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

node_pronouns v1.0.3

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3 years ago


A node.js module which modifies sentences to use different pronouns.

Installation instructions

This module is available on NPM, just execute npm install node_pronouns in your project directory.

Now you can try the examples below!


she/her, 1 person

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
const pronoun = pronouns.single("she/her");

// You must surround the pronouns you want to change in `{{ <pronoun> }}` or the module won't know the difference between a pronoun or a regular word.
console.log(pronoun("{{ He }} is looking good today!"));
// Output: "She is looking good today!"

he/him, 1 person

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
const pronoun = pronouns.single("he/him");

console.log(pronoun("{{ Ze }} is looking good today!"));
// Output: "He is looking good today!"

Mixed, 4 people

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
const pronoun = pronouns.multiple(["she/her", "e/em", "they/them", "xe/xem"]);

// Due to how multiple pronouns work, you cannot just use any pronoun you choose and expect the module to know what you mean.
// Instead, You use the following format `{{ pronoun <number> }}`.
// The pronoun can be any pronoun of your choice, as long as it makes sense gramatically
// The number must equal the person you want to refer to *starting from 0*, so the first person in the array would be `{{ pronoun 0 }}`
console.log(pronoun("\"Hey! Did you see Becky yesterday?\"\n\"Yeah I was outside with {{ them 0 }}, the others joined us as well. Emmy was talking about how {{ she 1 }} was going to get a dog later this week and Owen mentioned how {{ he 2 }} wanted a dog as well. Jane was having a bad day though, so {{ they 3 }} was quiet.\"\n\"Ah I see, wish I could of come along, but ya know, exams and stuff\""));
// Output: "Hey! Did you see Becky yesterday?"
//         "Yeah I was outside with her, the others joined us as well. Emmy was talking about how e was going to get a dog later this week and Own mentioned how they wanted a dog as well. Jane was having a bad day though, so xe was quiet."
//         "Ah I see, wish I could of come along, but ya know, exams and stuff"

You can also minify the code by calling pronouns directly as a function

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
console.log(pronouns("{{ They }} is so cute!", "she/her");
// Output: "She is so cute!"

or for multiple people

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
console.log(pronouns("\"Did you see Katelyn yesterday? {{ She 0 }} didn't look well. I'm worried for {{ them 0 }}!\"\n\"Yeah I did and yeah {{ he 0 }} didn't look well, I've heard that {{ eir 0 }} sister, Lucy, is trying {{ her 1 }} best to help {{ nem 0 }} out.\"\n\"Aww bless {{ their 1 }} little socks off that's is so cute!\"", ["she/her", "they/them"]));
// Output: "Did you see Katelyn yesterday? She didn't look well. I'm worried for her!"
//         "Yeah I did and yeah she didn't look well, I've heard that her sister, Lucy is trying their best to help her out."
//         "Aww bless their little socks off that is so cute!"

The module automatically registers "they/them" as singular, Automatically converting to plural vowels is currently not supported by this module.

Extending the list of pronouns.

The module exports functions that allow you to extend the list of pronouns. You must pass an array of arrays in the following format.

[subject, object, posessive determiner, posessive, reflexive]

This adds to the list of pronouns.

const pronouns = require("node_pronouns");
pronouns.extendPronouns([["xey", "xem", "xyr", "xyrs", "xemself"]]);