1.1.4 • Published 4 years ago
nodejs-pdf-report v1.1.4
Nodejs export pdf report from base html templates!
npm install --save nodejs-pdf-report
- Base html template with EJS engine.
- Embeded Chart.js v2.9.3.
- Server side without browser.
- Import from package
import { HtmlReport, ReportOptions } from "nodejs-pdf-report";
- Define configures
const reportOptions: ReportOptions = {
title: "Test report with chartjs",
useChartJs: true,
pdfOptions: {
margin: {
top: "100px",
bottom: "200px",
right: "30px",
left: "30px",
template: "template.ejs",
headerTemplate: "header-template.ejs",
footerTemplate: "footer-template.ejs",
styles: [
scripts: [
data: {
users: [
name: "Luong Phung",
name: "Jasmine",
title: "Test report with chartjs",
author: "Luong Phung",
time: "2020",
- Create pdf file as buffer
const htmlReport = new HtmlReport();
const reportPdf = await htmlReport.createPdf(reportOptions);
const savePath = path.resolve("./chartjs_report.pdf");
fs.writeFileSync(savePath, reportPdf, "binary");
- Check you report file "chartjs_report.pdf"
Screen shots
API references
Name | type | default | Description |
scale | number | 1 | Scale of the webpage rendering |
printBackground | boolean | false | Print background graphics. |
landscape | boolean | false | Paper orientation |
format | string | "A4" | Page format as : "Letter" "A0" ... "A4" ... |
margin | {top, bottom, left, right} | {0, 0, 0, 0} | Page margin as number of pixels |
Name | type | default | Description |
title | string | null | Pdf report title |
useChartJs | boolean | false | Use chartjs as default |
pdfOptions | PdfOptions | null | any |
template | string | null | Template path |
footerTemplate | string | null | Footer template path |
headerTemplate | string | null | Header template path |
styles | string[] | [] | Style paths |
scripts | string[] | [] | Scripts paths |
data | object | {} | Report data |
nodejs-pdf-report is released under the MIT license.