0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago
nodemailer-mongoose v0.1.2
Nodemailer with a MongoDB queue. nodemailer-mongoose stores mails in the database and nodemailer sends them. This package is mostly useful when you have a large number of messages.
yarn add nodemailer-mongoose
Add a mail to the queue
Multiple clients can send mails without configure a server, as long as they use the same database.
This function adds the message to the queue. It will not delivered directly.
Uses options fom Nodemailer (https://nodemailer.com/message/).
let newQueueItem = await mailer.sendMail({
from: 'max@some.mail',
to: 'bastian@gudd-it.de',
subject: 'nodemailer-mongoose',
text: 'This is the first mail delivered with nodemailer-mongoose.'
Deliver mails from the queue
You'll need to set up ONE client with smtp configuration, to process the queue.
Configure the connection to an SMTP server.
Uses options fom Nodemailer (https://nodemailer.com/smtp/). Already uses pooling.
host: 'smtp.some.mail',
port: 587,
auth: {
user: 'max@some.mail',
pass: 'sup3rs3cr3tpa55w0rd#'
This function reads all new mails from the database and try to send them.
Failed mails will be tagged as FAILED.
mailer.deliver(); // delivers the default way (only new mails, refresh the queue every 30 seconds)
mailer.deliver('FAILED', 320); // retry all failed mails every 320 seconds
const agent = mailer.deliver(); // it returns an intverval
clearInterval(intervalID); // so it can be stoped like an interval
Full example
A simple client to save and deliver mails.
import * as mailer from 'nodemailer-mongoose';
// connect to mongodb use options from mongoose.connect()
// configure the connection
host: 'smtp.some.mail',
port: 587,
auth: {
user: 'max@some.mail',
pass: 'sup3rs3cr3tpa55w0rd#'
// start to deliver mails and retry failed ones
mailer.deliver('FAILED', 3600); // 3600sec = 1h
// add a mail to the queue
await mailer.sendMail({
from: 'max@some.mail',
to: 'bastian@gudd-it.de',
subject: 'nodemailer-mongoose',
text: 'This is the first mail delivered with nodemailer-mongoose.'
Advanced helpers
This function removes FAILED messages from the queue.
Default are mails at least 720 h old AND three attempts to send them.
await mailer.removeFailed()
await mailer.removeFailed(MAX AGE IN HOURS, MAX SEND TRIES)
This function removes all sent messages from the queue.
await mailer.removeSent()
This function returns all mails by the tag in the queue or history.
SENT -> all succesfully send mails (the message is remove after delivery)
FAILED -> all failed messages
QUEUED -> messages not processed by deliver()
let mails = await mailer.getPerState('SENT')
This is the transporter configured by createTransport().
Use it to attach plugins.