1.0.1 • Published 4 months ago

nodesdk-sxt v1.0.1

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4 months ago

javascript-sxt-sdk (v.0.0.2)

JavaScript(NodeJS) SDK for Space and Time Gateway (javascript version >= 19.8.0)

Installation Instructions

Note: Before running the code, rename .env.sample to .env and ensure that your credentials are setup in the .env file properly

npm install

The code in examples.js demonstrates how to call the SDK

To run your code, use the command node --experimental-wasm-modules filename.js

Note: The --experimental-wasm-modules flag is required as Web Assembly is used in some parts of the codebase which requires this flag to run the code.


  • Sessions The SDK implements persistent storage in 1. File based sessions

  • Encryption It supports ED25519 Public key encryption for Biscuit Authorization and securing data in the platform.

  • SQL Support - Support for DDL : creating own schema(namespace), tables, altering and deleting tables - Support for DML: CRUD operation support. - Support for SQL: select operations support. - Support for SQL Views

  • Platform Discovery For fetching metadata and information about the database resources. - Schemas - Tables - Table Columns - Table Indexes - Table Primary Keys - Table Relationships - Table Primary Key References - Table Foreign Key References

  • Platform Blockchain For fetching blockchain metadata and information - Blockchains - Blockchain Schemas - Blockchain Information


  • Initializing the SDK
	// Initializing the Space and Time SDK for use.
	import SpaceAndTimeSDK from "./SpaceAndTimeSDK.js";
	const initSDK = SpaceAndTimeSDK.init();
  • Authenticating with the Space and Time Platform

Make sure to save your private key used in authentication and biscuit generation or else you will not be able to have access to the user and the tables created using the key.

The generated AccessToken is valid for 25 minutes and the RefreshToken for 30 minutes.

	// Authenticate yourself using the Space and Time SDK.
	let [tokenResponse, tokenError] =  await initSDK.AuthenticateUser();

	console.log(tokenResponse, tokenError);
  • Generating Biscuits

You can create multiple biscuit tokens for a table allowing you to provide different access levels for users. For the list of all capabilities, refer our documentation.

Sample biscuit generation with permissions for select query,insert query, update query, delete query, create table.


Specifying True in the function will give you a wildcard biscuit with all of the permissions.
	let [ biscuitArrayResponse, biscuitArrayError ] = initSDK.generateBiscuits(biscuitPrivateKey, ["ETHEREUM.CONTRACTS", "ETHEREUM.TRANSACTIONS"], false, ["SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE"]);
	console.log('Response: ', biscuitArrayResponse);
	console.log('Error: ', biscuitArrayError);
  • DDL, DML and DQL

    	To create a new **schema**, ``ddl_create`` permission is needed.
	// Create a Schema
	let [createSchemaResponse, createSchemaError] =  await initSDK.CreateSchema("CREATE SCHEMA ETH");

	console.log('Response: ', createSchemaResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', createSchemaError)

	// Only for Create Table Queries
	// for DROP, use DDL()
	let [CreateTableResponse, CreateTableError] =  await initSDK.CreateTable("CREATE TABLE ETH.TESTTABLE(id INT PRIMARY KEY, test VARCHAR)", "permissioned", publickey, biscuitArray);

	console.log('Response: ', CreateTableResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', CreateTableError)

	// For DROP
	let [DDLresponse, DDLerror] =  await initSDK.DDL("DROP TABLE ETH.TESTTABLE", biscuitArray);

	console.log('Response: ', DDLresponse)
	console.log('Error: ', DDLerror)

	// DML 
	// Use DML() to insert, update, delete and merge queries
	let [DMLResponse, DMLError] =  await initSDK.DML(["ETH.TESTTABLE"], "INSERT INTO ETH.TESTTABLE VALUES(5, 'X5')", biscuitArray);

	console.log('Response: ', DMLResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', DMLError)

	// DQL for selecting content from the blockchain tables.
	let [DQLResponse, DQLError] =  await initSDK.DQL(["ETH.TESTTABLE"], "SELECT * FROM ETH.TESTTABLE", biscuitArray);

	console.log('Response: ', DQLResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', DQLError)

    	Discovery SDK calls need a user to be logged in.
	// List Schemas
	let [getSchemaResponse, getSchemaError] =  await initSDK.getSchemas();

	console.log('Response: ', getSchemaResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getSchemaError)

	// List Tables in a given schema
	// Possible scope values - ALL = all tables, PUBLIC = non-permissioned tables, PRIVATE = tables created by a requesting user
	let [getTableResponse, getTableError] =  await initSDK.getTables("ALL","ETH");

	console.log('Response: ', getTableResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getTableError)

	// List columns for a given table in a schema
	let [getTableColumnResponse, getTableColumnError] =  await initSDK.getTableColumns("ETH","TESTTABLE");

	console.log('Response: ', getTableColumnResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getTableColumnError)

	// List table index for a given table in a schema
	let [getTableIndexesResponse, getTableIndexesError] =  await initSDK.getTableIndexes("ETH","TESTTABLE");

	console.log('Response: ', getTableIndexesResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getTableIndexesError)

	// List table primary key for a given table in a schema
	let [getPrimaryKeyResponse, getPrimaryKeyError] =  await initSDK.getPrimaryKeys("ETH", "TESTTABLE");

	console.log('Response: ', getPrimaryKeyResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getPrimaryKeyError)

	// List table relations for a schema and scope
	let [tableRelationshipResponse, tableRelationshipError] =  await initSDK.getTableRelationships("ETH", "PRIVATE");

	console.log('Response: ', tableRelationshipResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', tableRelationshipError)

	// List table primary key references for a table, column and a schema
	let [primaryKeyReferenceResponse, primaryKeyReferenceError] =  await initSDK.getPrimaryKeyReferences("ETH", "TESTTABLE", "TEST");

	console.log('Response: ', primaryKeyReferenceResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', primaryKeyReferenceError)

	// List table foreign key references for a table, column and a schema
	let [foreignKeyReferenceResponse, foreignKeyReferenceError] =  await initSDK.getForeignKeyReferences("ETH", "TESTTABLE", "TEST");

	console.log('Response: ', foreignKeyReferenceResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', foreignKeyReferenceError)
  • Blockchain

    	For retrieving platform specific blockchain information and metadata
	// Get the blockchains supported by the platform
	let [ getBlockchainResponse, getBlockchainError ] = await initSDK.getBlockchains();

	console.log('Response: ', getBlockchainResponse)
	console.log('Error: ', getBlockchainError)

	// Get schemas for the provided blockchain
	let [ getBlockchainSchemasResponse, getBlockchainSchemasError ] = await initSDK.getBlockchainSchemas("ETHEREUM");

	console.log('Response: ', getBlockchainSchemasResponse);
	console.log('Error: ', getBlockchainSchemasError);

	// Get Metadata Information for the provided blockchain
	let [ getBlockchainInformationResponse, getBlockchainInformationError ] = await initSDK.getBlockchainInformation("ETHEREUM");

	console.log('Response: ', getBlockchainInformationResponse);
	console.log('Error: ', getBlockchainInformationError);
  • Storage

    For File Storage, the following methods are available

    // File
    SpaceAndTimeInit.write_to_file(AccessToken, RefreshToken, AccessTokenExpires, RefreshTokenExpires)