0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

nodeserverphp v0.0.1

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8 years ago


npm install node-servephp


Node-servephp is an http server for php built in nodejs and uses Module fastcgi-client. It just works like nginx for php or Wamp/xamp (apache) for php. Currently tested only on windows.

Node-servephp is basically build using �fastcgi-client� module, where Fastcgi-client module helps to communicate with phpfpm. Node-servephp is designed to provide friendlier environment for End users to build their php website using event driven server.

The difference between apache and node-servephp is the concept of Difference in thread based server and event driven based server. Nodejs is an event based and node-servephp acts like in that way.

Node-servephp is still in the initial phase of its development And needs more developer to contribute in this project.


  1. Install node-servephp using �npm install node-servephp� also Install its dependency fastcgi-client using �npm install fastcgi-client�.

  2. Install phpfpm. Latest versions of php contains phpfpm in itself, so download php from �http://windows.php.net/download/�.

  3. Through command prompt go to the php folder and execute the command �php-cgi.exe �b�.This command runs phpfpm at port 9000;

  4. Through another command prompt go to node-servephp folder and run �node server.js 80�. Here 80 is port number. This will start the server.

  5. As like wamp, xamp all php and html files are stored in www folder, node-servephp also contains www folder to store all php and html files.

  6. We can also connect it to database that is the php part, download MySQL for your OS and start it using username and password and on host



This project is based on the great work of node-fastcgi-client written by LastLeaf. LastLeaf/node-fastcgi-client.


8 years ago