1.4.0 • Published 3 months ago

nodestability v1.4.0

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3 months ago

NodeStability Module

The NodeStability module is designed to prevent crashes in your Node.js applications by handling and logging various types of errors. It provides an easy-to-use interface for setting up event listeners and integrating with webhooks for error reporting.


  • Crash Prevention: The module actively listens for unhandled rejections, uncaught exceptions, and multiple resolves, preventing your application from crashing.
  • Webhook Integration: Receive error notifications via webhooks, making it easier to monitor and respond to issues.
  • Customizable Options: Configure the module with options such as enabling/disabling crash prevention, specifying webhook details, and controlling error logging.


npm install nodestability


const NodeStability = require('nodestability');

// Initialize NodeStability with options
const options = {
  enable: true,
  withWebhook: true,
  webhookType: 'discord', // or 'selfHosted'
  logErrors: true,

const nodeStability = new NodeStability(options);

Configuration Options

  • enable (boolean): Enable or disable crash prevention.
  • withWebhook (boolean): Enable or disable webhook integration.
  • webhookURL (string): Specify the URL of the webhook for error notifications.
  • webhookType (string): Choose the webhook type (discord or selfHosted).
  • logErrors (boolean): Enable or disable logging errors to the console.


Below are examples demonstrating how to integrate the Anti-Crash module into a Node.js app and a Discord.js bot. These examples assume you have already installed the anti-crash module.

Node.js Application Example:

// index.js

const NodeStability = require('nodestability');

// Initialize NodeStability with options
const options = {
  enable: true,
  withWebhook: true,
  webhookType: 'discord', // or 'selfHosted'
  logErrors: true,

const nodeStability = new NodeStability(options);

// Simulate an unhandled rejection
setTimeout(() => {
  Promise.reject(new Error('Simulated Unhandled Rejection'));
}, 2000);

// Simulate an uncaught exception
setTimeout(() => {
  throw new Error('Simulated Uncaught Exception');
}, 4000);

Discord.js Bot Example:

// bot.js

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const NodeStability = require('nodestability');

const client = new Discord.Client();
const nodeStability = new NodeStability({
  enable: true,
  withWebhook: true,
  webhookType: 'discord',
  logErrors: true,

client.on('ready', () => {
  console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);

client.on('message', (message) => {
  if (message.content.toLowerCase() === '!simulateError') {
    // Simulate an unhandled rejection within a command
    process.nextTick(() => {
      Promise.reject(new Error('Simulated Unhandled Rejection in Command'));

// Log in to Discord

Replace 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL' and 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' with your actual webhook URL and Discord bot token, respectively.


If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.