1.0.13 • Published 2 years ago

nojs-validator v1.0.13

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Last release
2 years ago



This is a vanilla JS library that helps to automatize and reuse form validations using HTML input attributes to set rules. It's very easy to use and it will let you save validations coding time. Do it once, use it forever!

Or using npm

$ npm i nojs-validator
EMPTYThis validation checks if the field does not has a value using validate-empty attribute to set it. The value of that attribute can be used in a custom function to display it as text.<input type="text" name="username" validate-empty="Enter an username">
MAX LENGTHThis validation checks if the field value has a length (in characters) higher than the one specified at validate-max-length attribute. You can set a text value for further use in validate-max-length-msg attribute.<input type="text" name="code" validate-max-length="10" validate-max-length-msg="Enter 10 characters or less">
MIN LENGTHThis validation checks if the field value has a length (in characters) lower than the one specified at validate-min-length attribute. You can set a text value for further use in validate-min-length-msg attribute.<input type="text" name="name" validate-min-length="2" validate-max-length-msg="Enter 2 characters at least">
INTEGERValidates if the field value is an integer number using validate-integer attribute. The value of that attribute can be used in a custom function to display it as text.<input type="number" name="position" validate-integer="Please, enter an integer number">
NUMERICValidates if the field value contains only number using validate-numeric attribute. The value of that attribute can be used in a custom function to display it as text.<input type="number" name="weight" validate-numeric="Please, enter a number">
MAX VALUEThis validation checks if the field value is higher than the one specified at validate-max-value attribute. You can set a text value for further use in validate-max-value-msg attribute.<input type="number" name="price" validate-max-value="10" validate-max-value-msg="Only numbers lower than 10 allowed">
MIN VALUEThis validation checks if the field value has a value (in characters) lower than the one specified at validate-min-value attribute. You can set a text value for further use in validate-min-value-msg attribute.<input type="number" name="cost" validate-min-value="5" validate-max-value-msg="You cannot enter numbers lower than 5">
EMAILValidates if the field value is a valid email using validate-email attribute. The value of that attribute can be used in a custom function to display it as text.<input type="email" name="email" validate-email="Please, enter an email">
CHECKEDThis validation only works for checkboxes and radio buttons. For both input types checks if it is checked using validate-checked attribute.
CHECKED (Radio Button)For radio buttons is very simple to use. Text error will be inside validate-checked attribute.<input type="radio" name="pet" value="dog" validate-checked="Please, choose a pet"><input type="radio" name="pet" value="cat" validate-checked="Please, choose a pet"> <input type="radio" name="pet" value="dog" validate-checked="Please, choose a pet">
CHECKED (Checkboxes)For checkboxes there are 3 ways to use it (min, max or equal) but in all of them you need to set validate-checked attribute with an integer value. You can define the way that you want to use it, using validate-checked-mode attribute. Text error can be defined using validate-checked-msg attribute.
CHECKED (Checkboxes - min mode)Checks if the number of checked checkboxes are equal or higher than the value defined at validate-checked attribute. min mode will be set by default, if valdiate-checked-mode is not defined or is filled with other values.<input type="checkbox" name="foods" value="hamburguer" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-msg="Please, select 2 or more options"><input type="checkbox" name="foods" value="hotdog" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-msg="Please, select 2 or more options"><input type="checkbox" name="foods" value="fries" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-msg="Please, select 2 or more options">
CHECKED (Checkboxes - max mode)Checks if the number of checked checkboxes are equal or lower than the value defined at validate-checked attribute.<input type="checkbox" name="handweapons" value="sword" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="max" validate-checked-msg="Up to 2 options can be checked"><input type="checkbox" name="handweapons" value="shield" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="max" validate-checked-msg="Up to 2 options can be checked"><input type="checkbox" name="handweapons" value="wand" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="max" validate-checked-msg="Up to 2 options can be checked">
CHECKED (Checkboxes - equal mode)Checks if the number of checked checkboxes are equal to value defined at validate-checked attribute.<input type="checkbox" name="accessories" value="glasses" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="equal" validate-checked-msg="You must check 2 options"><input type="checkbox" name="accessories" value="headphones" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="equal" validate-checked-msg="You must check 2 options"><input type="checkbox" name="accessories" value="cap" validate-checked="2" validate-checked-mode="equal" validate-checked-msg="You must check 2 options">
EQUAL TO FIELDThis validation checks if the field value is equal to another field value. To use it, attribute validate-equal-to-field must be defined and filled with a field ID. Error text can be defined in validate-equal-to-field-msg attribute.<input type="text" name="user" validate-equal-to-field="author" validate-equal-to-field-msg="User must match author"><input type="text" name="author" id="author">

There are 4 events related to NoJsValidator: | Name | Execution | Example | |----|----|----| |before|This event is triggered before a field starts to check validations|const validator = new NoJsValidator({events:[before:'customFunction']})| |after|This event is triggered after a field checked all validations|const validator = new NoJsValidator({events:[after:'customFunction']})| |afterTrue|This event is triggered after a field checked all validations and is valid|const validator = new NoJsValidator({events:[afterTrue:'customFunction']})| |afterFalse|This event is triggered after a field checked all validations and is not valid|const validator = new NoJsValidator({events:[afterFalse:'customFunction']})|


Validations rules can be all the same for most of the web forms. But the way to show errors or asserts is unique at every site. So, this is the only part that NoJsValidator gives all what is needed to make it more simplier. Some examples can be found at examples folder, but here is one to resume all. Lets create a custom NoJoValidate object to show errors:

First, validation rules must be defined at HTML form as attributes.

<form id="customForm">
    <input type="text" validate-empty="Please, insert an user" validate-min-length="4' validate-min-length-msg="At least, 4 characters must be entered" id="user">
    <span id="user-error"></span>
    <input type="password" validate-empty="Insert a password" id="password">
    <span id="password-error"></span>
    <button type="submit" onclick="return validator.isValid()">Submit</button>

Then, lets create custom functions to show or hide errors.

    function showError(event)
        // This function will add an error class to a validated field
        // And show an error text obtained from NoJsValidateElement object
        const element = event.target;
        const id = element.getAttribute('id');
        const span = document.getElementById(id + '-error');
        span.innerText = element.validate.validationText;
        span.style.display = 'block';

    function hideError(event)
        // This function will remove error class to a validated field
        // And hide error text from span
        const element = event.target;
        const id = element.getAttribute('id');
        const span = document.getElementById(id + '-error');
        span.style.display = 'none';

Now, lets create a NoJsValidator for a custom form. Also, lets trigger form elements validations when keydown and change events occurs.

const validator = new NoJsValidator(
    forms: ['customForm'],
    validateOn: 'keydown,change',
    events: {
        afterTrue: 'hideError',

Finally, customForm will be submited when passes all fields validations else will show errors using custom functions.

Method isValid() can be used whenever you want. Example:

function thatDoSomethingElse()
    // Do stuff
        // Do stuff
        // Do stuff
    // Do stuff

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