0.1.8 • Published 7 years ago

noogger v0.1.8

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7 years ago

node-logger (noogger)

A simple logging module for node.js

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noogger is a simple featured logger module that helps you displaying logs to the console with log levels and pretty colors as well as writing logs files in a clean an organized way. No need to implement the logging mechanism for your node applications anymore.


Install it locally in your project or globally:

npm install noogger
npm install -g noogger


  • write daily log file, handy for servers, or applications that run continously
  • Forwards(prints) logging data to the console output if needed (optional)
  • En/Disable Console output with respect to log levels
  • En/Disable File output with respect to log levels
  • pretty colors in console output
  • Supported log levels (as per cisco and many other manufacturer standards): EMERGENCY(0) ALERT(1) CRITICAL(2) ERROR(3) WARNING(4) NOTICE(5) INFO(6) DEBUG(7)
  • Customize date-time format for log lines and for log file name


Basic (with default parameters)

var log = require('noogger');
log.emergency("This is an EMERGENCY!!! THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING");
log.critical("This is getting critical!");
log.error("Erro 0x04512 Failed to initialize the initialization module");
log.warning("something is wrong");
log.notice("Hey! have you noticed This?!");
log.info("Hello World! Booting..");
log.debug("something Happened!");

The log file will look like this

28-04-2016 20:16:45.5 [WARNING] something is wrong
28-04-2016 20:16:45.5 [ERROR] Failed to initialize the...
28-04-2016 20:16:45.5 [DEBUG] something Happened!
28-04-2016 20:17:06.6 [ERROR] telnet socket closed

With custom options

var logParams = {
	consoleOutput : true,
	consoleOutputLevel: ['DEBUG','ERROR','WARNING'],
	dateTimeFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss.S",
	outputPath: "logs/",
	fileNameDateFormat: "DDMMYYYY",

var log = require('noogger').init(logParams);


var log = require('noogger');

var logParams = {
	consoleOutput : true,
	dateTimeFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss",
	fileNameDateFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD",
	outputPath: "myLogs/"


Default Parameters:

	consoleOutput : true,
	consoleOutputLevel: 7, 
	fileOutput: true,
	fileOutputLevel: 7, 
	outputPath: "logs/",
	fileNameDateFormat: "DDMMYYYY",
	dateTimeFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss.S",
	customIntro: null


  • `consoleOutput` : `boolean` : Wether the logs should be printed on the console output as well, or not
  • `consoleOutputLevel` : `int` or `string` or `array`  : Filters what is printed to the console with respect to log levels (specify the console output log level).
    using int: from 0 to 7 
    	using string: any valid log level (DEBUG, INFO, ERROR,....)
    	using array: to allow to select multiple log levels without the constraint of order  eg: ['DEBUG','ERROR','WARNING']
  • `fileOutput` : `boolean` : Wether the logs should be written to files or not
  • `consoleOutputLevel` : `int` or `string` or `array`  : Filters what is written to log files with respect to log levels (works the same as consoleOutputLevel).
  • `outputPath` : `string` : define the location where the log files  will be written
  • `dateTimeFormat` : `string` : specifies the Date and time format to be used inside log file for each record.
                          refer to the date format section.
  • `fileNameDateFormat`: `string` : the date format to be used in the log files name to differentiate them (per day); 
                            you can alter this, so that it will write one file per week or month or whatever you want,
                            refer to the date format section.
  • `fileNamePrefix`: `string` : Prepends the given string to every log file name.
  • `fileNameSuffix`: `string` : Appends the given string to every log file name.
  • `customIntro`: `function` or `boolean` : Just. try it by stting it to true :) or supply your own function to be called when your application starts(at least at the point where you initialize noogger)

Date and Time formatting

The formating is based on the moment.js library, since it is the one used. So please refer to this page.

Submit any issue or request to the github page.