0.1.7 • Published 8 months ago

notion-plus v0.1.7

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8 months ago

Notion Plus

Notion Plus is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript that provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with Notion databases. With Notion Plus, you can define database schemas using TypeScript interfaces, and perform CRUD operations on those databases using a fluent API.


  • Retrieve a database from Notion using the database ID
  • Query a page and retrieve its properties and metadata
  • Create a new page in the database with specified properties
  • Update an existing page in the database with new properties
  • Archive an existing page in the database


# Using npm
npm install notion-plus

# Using yarn
yarn add notion-plus


import { NotionPlus, Schema } from 'notion-plus'

const notionPlus = NotionPlus.getInstance(process.env.NOTION_TOKEN)
const databaseId = process.env.DB_ID

interface User {
  'First Name': string
  'Last Name': string
  Email: string
  'Company Name': string

const userSchema = new Schema<User>({
  'First Name': 'title',
  'Last Name': 'rich_text',
  Email: 'email',
  'Company Name': 'rich_text',

const userModel = notionPlus.getModel<User>(databaseId, userSchema)

// new Model<User>(notion, databaseId, userSchema)

const main = async () => {
  const users = await userModel.find({
    pageSize: 1,
    sorts: [
        property: 'First Name',
        direction: 'ascending',
    filter: {
      property: 'First Name',
      title: {
        contains: 'John',
    // metadata: true,

The EnumPropertyTypes enum (Supported Types)

The following property types are supported:

titleA title for a page or database item.
rich_textFormatted text with inline styling.
checkboxA boolean checkbox.
selectA single-select dropdown.
multi_selectA multi-select dropdown.
numberA number value.
dateA date or date-time value.
stringA plain text string.
booleanA boolean value.
filesA file url.
emailAn email address.
urlA URL.
phone_numberA phone number.
created_byThe user who created the page or database item.
created_timeThe time the page or database item was created.
statusThe status of a page or database item.
unique_idA unique id for database.

The NotionPlus Class

The NotionPlus class is the main class in the notion-plus library. It provides a wrapper around the Notion API and exposes various methods to interact with Notion databases and pages.

Creating a new NotionPlus instance

import { NotionPlus } from 'notion-plus';

const notionPlus = NotionPlus.getInstance(process.env.NOTION_TOKEN);


Creates a new instance of the NotionPlus class.

notionTokenstringThe API key for your Notion integration.

Since the NotionPlus class is a singleton, you should use the getInstance() method to create a new instance.


getModel<T>(databaseId: string, schema: Schema<T>): Model<T>

Returns a Model<T> instance for the specified database ID and schema. If a Model<T> instance for the specified database ID and schema has already been created, it returns the existing instance.

databaseIdstringThe ID of the Notion database.
schemaSchemaThe schema of the Notion database.

getNotionClient(): Client

Returns the Client instance used by the NotionPlus class.

getDatabases(databaseId: string, filter?: QueryDatabaseParameters['filter'], pageSize?: number, sorts: QueryDatabaseParameters['sorts'] = []): Promise<QueryDatabaseResponse>

Queries a Notion database for its properties and returns the results.

databaseIdstringThe ID of the Notion database to query.
filterQueryDatabaseParameters['filter'] (optional)The filter to apply to the query.
pageSizenumber (optional)The number of items to return per page.
sortsQueryDatabaseParameters['sorts'] (optional, default: [])The sorting criteria for the query.

getPageProps(pageId: string, propertyId: string): Promise<GetPagePropertyResponse>

Retrieves the specified property value for a Notion page.

pageIdstringThe ID of the Notion page.
propertyIdstringThe ID of the property to retrieve.

updateNotionPage(pageId: string, properties: UpdatePageParameters['properties']): Promise<UpdatePageResponse>

Updates the properties of a Notion page.

pageIdstringThe ID of the Notion page.
propertiesUpdatePageParameters['properties']An object containing the updated page properties.

createNotionPage(databaseId: string, properties: CreatePageParameters['properties']): Promise<CreatePageResponse>

Creates a new Notion page in the specified database.

databaseIdstringThe ID of the Notion database.
propertiesCreatePageParameters['properties'] (must include all required properties)An object containing the page properties.

archiveNotionPage(pageId: string): Promise<ArchivePageResponse>

Archives a Notion page.

pageIdstringThe ID of the page.

The Schema Class

notionSchema: NotionSchema<T & NotionRecord>The notion schema for the Notion database.
constructor(notionSchema: NotionSchema<T>)Creates a new Schema instance with the specified notionSchema.

The Schema class is a simple class with a single property notionSchema of type NotionSchema<T & NotionRecord>, and a constructor that initializes this property. The NotionSchema type is a mapped type that maps the keys of T to EnumPropertyTypes.

The Schema class is used in the NotionPlus class to define the schema for a Notion database

Creating a new Schema instance

import { Schema } from 'notion-plus';

interface User {
  'First Name': string;
  'Last Name': string;
  Email: string;

const userSchema = new Schema<User>({
  'First Name': 'title',
  'Last Name': 'rich_text',
  Email: 'email',

The Model<T> Class

A class representing a Notion database model with typed properties.


notionPlusNotionPlusAn instance of NotionPlus class used to communicate with Notion API.
databaseIdstringThe ID of the Notion database.
schemaSchema<T>An instance of Schema class representing the typed schema of the Notion database.


MethodParametersReturn valueDescription
find{ filter?, pageSize?, sorts?, metadata? }Promise<FilterResponse<T>>Finds and returns a filtered list of database items.
createitem: Partial<T>, metaData = falsePromise<T & NotionRecord>Creates a new item in the database.
updateid: string, data: Partial<T>, metaData = falsePromise<T & NotionRecord>Updates an existing item in the database.
archiveid: string, metaData = falsePromise<T & NotionRecord>Archives an existing item in the database.

archive(id: string, metaData?: boolean): Promise<T | Record<string, unknown>>


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