0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

notion2svelte v0.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago

Stargazers Issues MIT License

Notion → notion2svelte → .svelte file


Presumably if you're reading this, you don't need convincing that Notion.so is one of the most pleasant ways to express your thoughts through your fingertips. And presumably you also need no convincing when it comes to choosing SvelteKit (or at least Svelte) as your tool of choice for wrangling HTML, CSS, and (sometimes) JS. If you do need convincing, try this and this.

So the basic goal is clear:

  • Write pages in Notion
  • Run notion2svelte
  • Magically see that page content appear in your Svelte app

    Page in Notion → notion2svelte → ready-to-render .svelte file

For more about what sets notion2svelte apart, how it works, etc., the docs provide a high level overview.

Getting Started

The premise is simple: point notion2svelte at the database of your choice, and watch as it spits working .svelte files into your existing project. Still, this is early days, so the experience is far from optimized.

With that caveat firmly on the table, here's notion2svelte in 10 minutes.


Distributed under the MIT License.