9.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

np-ui-data-grid v9.0.3

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Last release
4 years ago


Data grid custom component for Angular 9 and 9+, Created using only Angular.

Check demo Here


$ npm i np-ui-data-grid


  • Maximum row handling capacity is upto 10,00,000 in client side mode
  • Client/Server side Paging
  • Client/Server side Filtering
  • Client/Server side Sorting
  • Single and Multiple row selection
  • Master-Detail row section
  • Get/Set Column configurations
  • Store state of grid and change from dropdown
    (show/hide column, filters values and sorting is also saved in state).
  • Column drag and drop.
  • Summary in datagrid footer.
  • Resize columns width
  • OData support for server side




  1. [columns]

        { dataField: "Id", visible: true, width: 100, caption: "Id", dataType: DataTypes.Number, sortEnable: true, filterEnable: true, onCellClick: this.cellClicked },
        { dataField: "FirstName", visible: true, width: 150, caption: "First Name", dataType: DataTypes.String, sortEnable: true, filterEnable: true }

    1.1 dataType property is for setting type of data. use DataTypes to get possible values.
    ( data types are string, number, boolean, date)
    1.2 dataField is name of the property from datasource array. Needs to be same as it retrived in data source.
    1.3 caption is for setting column header, if not set then "dataField" will be displayed as caption.
    1.4 Set sortEnable and filterEnable on column basis (default false)
    1.5 cellTemplate : TemplateRef, pass template to grid column, row data will be bind as let-row="row".
    1.6 onCellClick bind on cell click event, in argument column data is passed for which column is clicked.
    1.7 rightAlignText : boolean , to make text right aligned.
    1.8 Filter event will fired on change event of filter input/filter type.

  2. [dataSource] : BehaviorSubject Where DataSource has below properties:
    data : any[] => Array of data
    total : number => Count of total records. (Only need to pass for server oprations)
    summary : any => summary data object of any type
    After data load, pass object of DataSource to this observable using .next() method.

  3. [isServerOperations] : boolean => Set server opration true or false. Default value is false.

  4. [multiColumnSortEnable]
    if set to true then multiple columns can be sorted. Need to set sortEnable = true in column too.
    Default table is working on single column sort.

  5. [height]: number
    add number to set height of data grid in px (default height is auto)

  6. [width]: number
    add number to set width of data grid in px (default width is auto)

  7. [key]: string
    give primary column dataField as key. (default first column will be taken as key).

  8. [tableId]: string
    set html attribute id to component

  9. [multiRowSelectEnable] : boolean OR [singleRowSelectEnable] : boolean
    Will show checkboxes in first column to select single/multiple rows.

  10. [masterDetailTemplate] : TemplateRef
    Pass TemplateRef type object to above attribute to dispay master child grid.
    if masterDetailTemplate is passed then +, - icons will be displayed to open/close child view.
  11. [stickyHeader] : boolean
    If true then header will stick on top when scroll grid vertically.
  12. [showColumnChooser] : boolean
    want to show button for column chooser or not.
    if set to true then on top of the data grid one button is avalable,
    where list of columns will be shown with Check boxes.
    On selecting check boxes columns will be show/hide.
    Column drag and drop is also given inside column chooser.
  13. [title] : string
    give title to datagrid
    type is string.
  14. [enableStateStoring] : boolean
    enable state storing or not, default is false.
    if state storing is enabled then only controls are visible for state storing.
  15. [noDataMessage] : string
    Message will be displayed if no data found for data grid.
    Default value is "No Data Found."
  16. [showFilters] : boolean
    default value of show filters is true, this is only used to show/hide row of filters.
    If any visible column is defined with filterEnable true then filters will be shown for that column,
    but using this showFilter property you can show/hide whole row of filters.
  17. [showSummary]
    default value is false. To show/hide summary at footer of datagrid.

  18. [summaryTemplate] : TemplateRef
    Template reference for summary at footer of datagrid.
    To show summary in client side pass summary variable in DataSource.summary.
    Which data is accessible in template context.
    To show summary in client side pass summary variable in CustomStore.summary.
    Which data is accessible in template context.

  19. [allowColumnReorder]: boolean Set allow columns reorder or not
  20. [allowColumnResize]: boolean Set allow columns resize or not

  21. [isODataOperations] : boolean Default value is false, if this option is set to true, then in onLoadData argument odataQuery is passed.
    Which will be used in fetching data using OData.

  22. [allowExportToCSV] : boolean
    Default value is false, if this option is set to true, then in toolbar button is visible with CSV file icon,
    On clicking this button it will download file with all data in .csv format. For Client side => all data is available in file. For Server side => it will call to onLoadData to retrive all data, and then download file with all data.

  23. [showToolBar] : boolean
    Default value is false, if this option is set to true, then toolbar will be visible. This property must be set true to utilize export to CSV, show/hide filters button, column chooser, and state management.

  24. [pageSize] : number Set pagesize as default.

  25. [singleRowExpand]: boolean
    To expand/collapse only single row set this property to true.

  26. [expandRowOnClick]: boolean
    To expand/collapse on row click set this property to true.

  27. [selectRowOnClick]: boolean To select/unselect row on click set this property to true.


  1. goToPage(pageNumber: number)
    set page given in argument as current page
  2. getSelectedRowKeys()
    get selected rows
  3. reset()
    reset data grid (remove sorting, filtering, selection)
  4. sortByColumn(dataField: string, direction: SortDirections)
    sort by column and direction
  5. filterByColumn(dataField: string, keyword: string, type: FilterTypes)
    filter by column name and keyword. Keyword will be based on datatype of column.
  6. selectAll()
    select all rows
  7. deSelectAll()
    deselect all rows
  8. showLoader()
    show loader icon into grid UI
  9. hideLoader()
    hide loader icon from grid UI
  10. showColumnByIndex(idx: number)
    show column by index value. Start with index 0.
  11. hideColumnByIndex(idx: number)
    hide column by index value. Start with index 0.
  12. hideColumnByDataField(dataField: string)
    show column by field value
  13. showColumnByDataField(dataField: string)
    hide column by field value
  14. getTotalRows()
    returns total rows count.
  15. getCurrentPageNumber()
    returns current page number.
  16. getPageSize()
    returns page size.
  17. getTotalPages()
    returns number of total pages in grid
  18. closeAllChild()
    close all open childs
  19. getFilterColumns()
    get filter columns list
  20. getSortColumns()
    get sort columns list
  21. getColumns()
    get columns list with current configurations
  22. setColumns(columns: Column[])
    set columns configurations to data grid.
  23. getAllState()
    get all state data which stored in data grid
  24. setAllState(states: State[])
    set list of state to data grid.
    parameter is array of State object.
  25. refresh()
    refresh current view data only.
  26. removeAllFilters()
    remove all filters from grid all columns.
  27. removeAllSortings()
    remove all sortings from grid all columns.


  1. onRowClick(event)
    bind on row click event.
    event.data contains the data of clicked row.
  2. onSelect(event)
    bind on row select event
    fires when user select any row/ select all rows.
    event.data contains the selected row key/keys.
  3. onDeselect(event)
    bind on row de-select event
    fires when user de select any row or deselect all rows.
    event.data contains the de selected row key/keys
  4. onInit()
    event fired at view initialization start.
  5. onAfterInit()
    event fired after view initialize.
  6. onLoadData(optaions : loadOptions) This function has parameters like pageNumber, pageSize, sortColumns, filterColumns.
    Where sortColumns is an array of {dataField : string, sortDirection: string}.
    possible values for sortDirection are asc, desc.
    Where filterColumns is an array of

    { dataField : string, filterOperator: string, filterValue: string, dataType: string}

    possible values for filterOperator are startswith, endswith, contains, gt, lt, ge, le, eq, ne.
    possible values for dataType are number, string, date, boolean.

  7. onStatesUpdate() On Add/Save/Delete of state this function will be called.

Other np-ui components for Angular

  1. Data grid
  2. Date picker
  3. Time picker
  4. Color picker


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




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