1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

npm-test-jkh v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago

npm package publish test project

tutorial by https://blog.logrocket.com/the-complete-guide-to-publishing-a-react-package-to-npm/


A simple React component that counts from 0 - 100 and then resets back to 0. This runs for infinity and yes, this is not meant to be functional in any way.

How to use

  • npm install npm-test-jkh
import Test from 'npm-test-jkh'


How to use via link

Clone this repo to your local computer, then run:

  • npm install && npm run build

  • To make this component available to other projects on your local computer, run yarn link.

  • Then go to the project where you want to use this package and run yarn link "dummy-counter".

Finally, to fix the multiple copies of React bug that shows up with linked React packages:

  • navigate to the root of the dummy-counter package
  • run npm link "../path/to/your/project"

You can now import dummy-counter as a normal package installed from npm like so:

import Dummy from 'dummy-counter'

You can also import the type definitions if you're using TypeScript like so:

import Dummy, { ICounterProps } from 'dummy-counter'

Available props

className: string (optional)

To customise this component, pass in a class name to the className prop and style that class name in your custom CSS.

// your-component.js
import Dummy from 'dummy-counter'

<Dummy className="dummy" />

// your-component.css
.dummy {
  color: white;
  background-color: purple;

This component was built for an article on how to publish a React component as a package to npm.