2.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

nproxy2 v2.0.1

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Last release
10 years ago



本项目fork自GoddyZhao/nproxy,不过由于一些原因,GoddyZhao已经许久没有更新此工具,且同时在实际使用过程中,我也会有一些自己的需求。 本来准备给nproxy提MR,但是貌似给的反馈比较慢,而且考虑到提的MR可能不一定被采纳,所以最后决定基于nproxy,自己整一个专门给自己用的小工具。 以上就是此项目产生的原因,感谢GoddyZhao/nproxy



A cli proxy tool specialized in file replacing

Build Status

Why NProxy

Maybe you have such question as why NProxy when we have Fiddler, Charles, Rythem and Tinyproxy. Yes, there is no doubt that they are all great tools, however they don't meet my requirements:

  • Support Mac, Linux and Windows(especially Mac and Linux)
  • Support replacing combo files with separated source files
  • Support directory mapping

This is the main reason why NProxy is here. Besides, NProxy can improve the efficiency of my daily development for enterprise-level product with a bunch of complex building processes, which cost me lots of time.

I've written a post named NProxy: The Mjolnir for UI Developers and a keynote NProxy: A Sharp Weapon for UI Developers to explain my reason for developing NProxy in detail.


  • Support Mac, Linux and Windows
  • Support both single file and combo file replacing
  • Support directory mapping with any files
  • Support both HTTP and HTTPS


npm install -g nproxy (node >= v0.8.x is required)

If you are not familiar with Node.js and NPM, you can visit the How to install NProxy wiki page to get detail information about installation of NProxy


nproxy -l replace_rule.js 

Setting your browser's proxy to by default)

If you don't know how to set proxy for browser, please read this wiki: How to set brower's proxy

More Options:

Usage: nproxy [options]


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -V, --version      output the version number
    -l, --list [list]  Specify the replace rule file
    -p, --port [port]  Specify the port nproxy will listen on(8989 by default)
    -t, --timeout [timeout] Specify the request timeout (5 seconds by default)

Template of Replace Rule file(should be a .js file)

module.exports = [
    // 1. replace single file with local one
      pattern: 'homepage.js',      // Match url you wanna replace
      responder:  "/home/goddyzhao/workspace/homepage.js"

    // 2. replace single file with web file
      pattern: 'homepage.js',      // Match url you wanna replace
      responder:  "http://www.anotherwebsite.com/assets/js/homepage2.js"

    // 3. replace combo file with src with absolute file path
      pattern: 'group/homepageTileFramework.*.js', 
      responder: [

    // 4. replace combo file with src with relative file path and specified dir
      pattern: 'group/homepageTileFramework.*.js',
      responder: {
        dir: '/home/goddyzhao/workspace/webapp/ui/homepage/js',
        src: [

    // 5. Map server image directory to local image directory
      pattern: 'ui/homepage/img',  // must be a string
      responder: '/home/goddyzhao/image/' //must be a absolute directory path

    // 6. Write responder with regular expression variables like $1, $2
      pattern: /https?:\/\/[\w\.]*(?::\d+)?\/ui\/(.*)_dev\.(\w+)/,
      responder: 'http://localhost/proxy/$1.$2'

    // 7. Map server image directory to local image directory with regular expression
    // This simple rule can replace multiple directories to corresponding locale ones
    // For Example, 
    //   http://host:port/ui/a/img/... => /home/a/image/...
    //   http://host:port/ui/b/img/... => /home/b/image/...
    //   http://host:port/ui/c/img/... => /home/c/image/...
    //   ...
      pattern: /ui\/(.*)\/img\//,
      responder: '/home/$1/image/'

You can use the template file and replace it with your own configurations.

Quickly setup rule files for SF project

For UI Developers from SuccessFactors, here is a bonus for you guys. You can use the sf-transfer tool to transfer the combo xml file to NProxy rule file automatically!


NProxy is available under the terms of the MIT License