1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

ns-props v1.0.0

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Last release
10 years ago


Namespaced props (or nice props).

Getting Started

Install the package with this command:

npm install ns-props --save

Then you can require the package with require('ns-props').

What does this do?

This lightweight module contains 3 methods for operating on "namespaced" properties: has, get, and set. They do exactly what their names indicate; look below for examples.

Why / when should I use it?

This is a utility lib created for another project of mine, where I needed to handle dynamic "namespaces". If you don't know beforehand what "namespaces" will be used, then this lib is for you.

If all your "namespaces" are static, then you probably don't need to and shouldn't use this library. Referencing raw properties is always a lot faster.

Why use quotation marks everywhere?

JavaScript does not have a built-in concept of a "namespace" and this is just one take on what "namespaces" can be in JS. Hence the quotation marks.


var nsProps = require('ns-props');

var obj = {};

nsProps.has(obj, 'ns.prop'); // false

nsProps.set(obj, 'ns.prop', 'value'); // obj is { ns: { prop: 'value' } }

nsProps.has(obj, 'ns.prop'); // true

nsProps.get(obj, 'ns.prop'); // 'value'
obj.ns.prop; // the same as above, 'value'

nsProps.get(obj, 'hello'); // throws an error, no such property

nsProps.set(obj, 'ns.prop.another', 42); // throws an error, obj.ns.prop can't be a namespace


All methods assume that '.' is a "namespace" separator and not a part of a property name when accessing properties.

Objects are tested for inclusion of properties with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.

nsProps.has(object, name)

Returns true if there is a "namespaced" property with a name name in object, and false otherwise.

nsProps.get(object, name)

Returns the value of a "namespaced" property name in object.

Throws an error if any part of the "namespace" is missing, including the last (key) part.

nsProps.set(object, name, value)

Sets the value of a "namespaced" property name in object to value. Returns undefined.

Throws an error if any sub-"namespace" is already in object and isn't a "namespace".


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code with npm test.


Copyright (c) 2015 FatFisz. Licensed under the MIT license.