0.2.4 • Published 1 year ago
nsp-jstl-taglib v0.2.4
NSP taglib for JSTL Jakarta Standard Tag Library
- JSTL core library - e.g.
<c:if test="${test}"></c:if>
- JSTL formatting library - e.g.
<fmt:formatDate value="${date}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
- JSTL functions library - e.g.
${ fn:toUpperCase("abc") }
- See TypeScript declaration files for API detail.
import {createNSP} from "nsp-server-pages";
import {cTags, fmtTags, fnFunctions} from "nsp-jstl-taglib";
const nsp = createNSP();
nsp.addTagLib({ns: "c", tag: cTags});
nsp.addTagLib({ns: "fmt", tag: fmtTags});
nsp.addTagLib({ns: "fn", fn: fnFunctions});
const context = {title: "nsp", upper: true};
const render = await nsp.loadJSP("path/to/template.jsp");
const html = await render(context);
// => <h1>NSP</h1>
<c:if test="${upper}">
<c:out value="${fn:toUpperCase(title)}" default="Untitled"/>
- Both ES Modules and CommonJS supported.
const {createNSP} = require("nsp-server-pages");
const {cTags, fmtTags, fnFunctions} = require("nsp-jstl-taglib");
JSTL core library
tag | status | note |
<c:choose> | 👍 OK | |
<c:if> | 👍 OK | |
<c:import> | 👍 OK | |
<c:forEach> | 👍 OK | |
<c:forTokens> | 👍 OK | |
<c:out> | 👍 OK | |
<c:otherwise> | 👍 OK | |
<c:param> | 👍 OK | |
<c:redirect> | 🚫 N/A | not available by design |
<c:remove> | 👍 OK | |
<c:set> | 👍 OK | |
<c:url> | 👍 OK | |
<c:when> | 👍 OK |
attribute is just ignored as nsp supports only request
JSTL formatting library
tag | status | note |
<fmt:requestEncoding> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:setLocale> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:timeZone> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:setTimeZone> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:bundle> | 👍 OK | implement ResourceBundle.getBundle hook |
<fmt:setBundle> | 👍 OK | implement ResourceBundle.getBundle hook |
<fmt:message> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:param> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:formatNumber> | 👍 OK | works mostly. some feature still missing |
<fmt:parseNumber> | 👍 OK | |
<fmt:formatDate> | 👍 OK | works mostly. some feature still missing |
<fmt:parseDate> | 🕑 Not yet |
Implement ResourceBundle.getBundle
hook which returns an array of key-value pair properties.
The hook is called by <fmt:bundle>
and <fmt:setBundle>
const nsp = createNSP();
nsp.hook("ResourceBundle.getBundle", async (basename) => {
const properties = {"key": "value"};
return [properties];
JSTL functions library
function | status | equivalant method |
${ fn:contains() } | 👍 OK | String#includes |
${ fn:containsIgnoreCase() } | 👍 OK | |
${ fn:endsWith() } | 👍 OK | String#endsWith |
${ fn:escapeXml() } | 👍 OK | |
${ fn:indexOf() } | 👍 OK | String#indexOf |
${ fn:join() } | 👍 OK | Array#join |
${ fn:length() } | 👍 OK | |
${ fn:replace() } | 👍 OK | String#replace |
${ fn:split() } | 👍 OK | String#split |
${ fn:startsWith() } | 👍 OK | String#startsWith |
${ fn:substring() } | 👍 OK | String#substring |
${ fn:substringAfter() } | 👍 OK | |
${ fn:substringBefore() } | 👍 OK | |
${ fn:toLowerCase() } | 👍 OK | String#toLowerCase |
${ fn:toUpperCase() } | 👍 OK | String#toUpperCase |
${ fn:trim() } | 👍 OK | String#trim |
- https://github.com/kawanet/nsp-server-pages
- https://github.com/kawanet/nsp-jstl-taglib
- https://github.com/kawanet/nsp-struts1-taglib
- https://github.com/kawanet/nsp-seasar2-taglib
- https://github.com/apache/tomcat-taglibs-standard/
- https://github.com/apache/tomcat-taglibs-standard/tree/main/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/taglibs/standard
- https://github.com/apache/tomcat-taglibs-standard/tree/main/impl/src/main/resources/META-INF
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