1.0.4 • Published 11 years ago

nstar-login v1.0.4

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11 years ago

#NStar Login Login to the NStar website https://nstar.com using node.js


NStar uses a 2-step login process. First this module submits the login form with the username and password. Then

Login Form

To login issue a post request to the url https://nstar.com/NSTAR/Default.asp. The following fields must be submitted with the post request

    __VIEWSTATE: "/wEPDwUKMTQxMDk5NzkzNg9kFgJmD2QWAgIBD2QWAgIDD2QWAgIBD2QWAgIBD2QWBGYPFgIeB1Zpc2libGVoFgYCAQ8WAh8AaGQCAw8WAh8AaGQCBQ8WAh8AaGQCCA8WAh4Fc3R5bGUFfXdpZHRoOjBweDtwYWRkaW5nOjA7aGVpZ2h0OjEwMCU7YmFja2dyb3VuZC1jb2xvcjojQzREM0UzO2JvcmRlci10b3A6MXB4IHNvbGlkICM0NDQ7Ym9yZGVyLWJvdHRvbToxcHggc29saWQgIzQ0NDtkaXNwbGF5Om5vbmU7ZBgCBR5fX0NvbnRyb2xzUmVxdWlyZVBvc3RCYWNrS2V5X18WAQUiY3RsMDAkTWFpbiRMb2dpbkJveCRjYkxCUmVtZW1iZXJNZQUSY3RsMDAkTWFpbiRtdkxvZ2luDw9kZmQeVNtSkk/ZK/B4mgmxqXRe/KuPLg==",
    __EVENTVALIDATION: "/wEWCAKT+InMBALAgpxNAvLyy8gHAqfWyUACgsTihAICm5274gECnZD4ngUCtJXpsg+nzIR8FBaarsVtHKxb3YI2bPdBEQ==",
    __SubmitToken: "foo",
    ctl00$Main$LoginBox$UserName: "usernameHere",
    ctl00$Main$LoginBox$Password: "passwordHere",
    ctl00$Main$LoginBox$btLogin: ""

The __VIEWSTATE and __EVENTVALIDATION values can be fetched from the page located at https://secure8.i-doxs.net/NSTAR/Default.aspx

On a successful login post, the NStar server will return a 302 redirect status code and set-cookie header. There should be a header Location: /NSTAR/Secure/SecretQuestion.aspx

Secret Question

After the login is successful, NStar presents a page which asks for a response to a secret question. To pass the secret question test, issue a post request to the url https://secure8.i-doxs.net/NSTAR/Secure/SecretQuestion.aspx.

After answering the secret question correctly, the NStar server will return a 302 redirect status code and set-cookie header. There should be a header Location: /NSTAR/Secure/Home.aspx

To submit the secret question, the following fields must be set

    __VIEWSTATE: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE1: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE2: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE3: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE4: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE5: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE6: "foo...",
    __VIEWSTATE7: "foo...",
    "ctl00$Main$txtAnswer": "secretAnswerHere",
    "ctl00$Main$btnSubmit": "anyValueButThisKeyMustBeSet"