2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

nthread-js v2.0.0

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4 years ago

Nthread JS

Create easily children thread (process) in NodeJs. The purpose is to delegate some part of your code in another processus.

⚠ Be careful ⚠
Don't try to make an infinite loop during the creation of the thread.
Obviously, your server/computer will be affected by the number of threads and... cash.

☁️ Installation

$ npm install nthread-js

⚙️ Examples Parent + create callback child process

const { Parent } = require('../lib/index');
const parent = new Parent({ debug: false });

parent.listen(3000).then(async nthread => {

  console.log("[root] - Server connected");
  console.log("[root] - public uri", nthread.getPublicUri());
  console.log("[root] - local uri", nthread.getLocalUri());

  nthread.on('*', content => console.log(content));

  const child = await nthread.create(thread => {
    thread.log('[child] - is now connected with PID: ' + thread.getPid());
    thread.response(content => {
      console.log("[child] - response", content);
      content === "Hello" ? thread.emit('Hi back !') : thread.emit('Fine and you?');


  // child.response(content => {
  nthread.response(({ client }, content) => {
    console.log("[root] - response", content)
    content === "Hi back !" ? child.emit('How are you ?') : null;

⚙️ Examples Child trying to connect to the parent process

const { Child } = require('../lib/index');
const child = new Child({ debug: true });

child.connect("").then(async thread => {
  thread.log('[child] - is now connected with PID: ' + thread.getPid());
  thread.emit('Hi back !');

  thread.response(content => {
    console.log("[child] - response", content);
    content === "How are you ?" ? thread.emit('Fine and you?') : null;

More examples

📝 Parent usage

const parent = new Parent({
  // options

Options parameter

tmpFolder = '%default_tmp_folder%/nthread_generated'StringTemporary folder used to save js code
secure = falseBooleanUse protocol http or https
debug = falseBooleanEnable debug
socket = undefinedObjectSocket.IO API
server = undefinedObjecthttp API https API

async listen(port: number = random, callback: function = undefined) : Promise<Thread>

Establishing a socket server connection to communicate between the parent and the children process.

⚙️ Thread usage

After the connection is established, listen return a Thread instance.

async create(thread_code: function)PromiseCreate a new Thread from a thread_code
async load(path_file: string)PromiseCreate a new Thread from an import code
async close()UndefinedClose every ChildThreads connection
emit(content: any)UndefinedEmit content to all the children
async response(function: callback)Promise<...any>Callback will be called for each response doesn't matter the child
getAllChildrenThread()ArrayRetrieve all the children
getChildThreadByGuuid(guuid: string)ChildThreadRetrieve a specific ChildThread by guuid
getPublicUri()StringRetrieve public uri
getLocalUri()StringRetrieve local uri
async on(event: string, callback: function)Promise<...any>Listen an event

on evenements

event for child_process : stdout, stderr, exit and close
event for client : connected, disconnected, response and log

*{ event: string, guuid: string, content: any } : object
child_process{ event: string, guuid: string, content: any } : object
*child_process{event}{ guuid: string, content: any } : object
{guuid}child_process*{ event: string, content: any } : object
{guuid}child_process{event}content: any
client{ event: string, guuid: string, content: any } : object
*client{event}{ guuid: string, content: any } : object
{guuid}client*{ event: string, content: any } : object
{guuid}client{event}content: any

⚙️ ChildThread usage

After the thread creation, create or load return a ChildThread instance.
ChildThread is not the child process !!! But it give you the possibility to communicate with it.

emit(content: any)UndefinedEmit content
async response(callback: function)Promise<...any>Callback as soon the childProcess send a message
async close()UndefinedClose the connection
getPid()NumberRetrieve pid
getGuuid()StringRetrieve Guuid
async on(event: string, callback: function)Promise<...any>Listen an event

📝 Child usage AKA thread_code or path_file

const child = new Child({
  // options


debug = falseBooleanEnable debug
socket = undefinedObjectSocket.IO API

async connect(url: string, guuid: string = undefined) : Promise<Thread>

Establishing a socket connection to the Parent thread.

⚙️ Thread usage

log(content: any)UndefinedLog a message directly in the parent thread
emit(content: any)UndefinedEmit content to the parent thread
async response(callback: function)Promise<...any>Callback as soon the childThread send a message
async close()UndefinedClose the connection
getPid()NumberRetrieve pid
getGuuid()StringRetrieve Guuid
async on(event: string, callback: function)Promise<...any>Listen an event

⚠️ ChildThread IS NOT ChildProcess

After created ChildThread, a ChildProcess is created.
The ChildProcess is another processus within your thread_code or your path_file is executed.
ChildThread is an instance from the Parent to communicate with the ChildProcess.
With emit and response.

👥 Contributing

Please help us to improve the project by contributing :)

❓️ Testing

$ npm install
$ npm test