1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

num-to-txt v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago

number to text converter

This NodeJs library enables you to create spoken format for numbers that represent an amount in countries currency .


using npm :

$ npm i num-to-txt --save


const Amount = require("@farad845/number-to-text"); 
const amount = new Amount(10239876); 
// defualt language set to "EN"
// you can change it by passing as second parameter like this :
const amountWithCountry = new Amount(10239876, "Fa"); 

Grouping Digits

To group digits by three, use

// The settings are optional, 
// you can pass it as object
const withDigitGrouping = amount.digitGrouped(); // returns 10,239,876


for Ex :

// language = "FA"
const withDigitGrouping = amount.digitGrouped({ comma : "،" }); // returns ۱۰،۲۳۹،۸۷۶
const withDigitGrouping = amount.digitGrouped({ numbersInEnglishCharcters : true }); // returns 10,239,876


const withDigitGrouping = amount.digitGrouped({ groupDigitBy: 2 }); // returns 10,23,98,76

Convert To Text

To display spoken format, use

** language = "FA"
** The settings are optional, 
** you can pass it as object
const textFormat = amount.toText(); // returns ده میلیون و دویست و سی و نه هزار و هشتصد و هفتاد و شش


To display spoken format in Rials (IRR), use

const tomanFormat = amount.farsiFormatToman({ badge: "ریال" }); // returns ده میلیون و دویست و سی و نه هزار و هشتصد و هفتاد و شش ریال


add your language

1 - create a folder named YOUR-LANGUGE inside the numberToString folder

2 - look at the persian folder, inside the numberToString folder

3 - fill your folder like that

4 - edit and add your files to index.js inside the numberToString folder

5 - create a js file named YOUR-LANGUGE inside the functions/util folder

6 - edit and add your files to index.js inside the functions/util folder

7 - pull request