2.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

number-slayer v2.0.1

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2 years ago


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At a glance

    range(7, 22, 3)                   // -->   [7, 10, 13, 16, 19]
    addCommasToNumber(-43000000.25)   // -->   '-43,000,000.25'
    roundThousands(27743000.21)       // -->   30000000
    zeroPad(4, 2, 3)                  // -->   '04.000'
    toPrecision(3.141592653589793, 3) // -->   3.142
    randomInt(79, 83)                 // -->   82
    countIntDigits(123456789)         // -->   9
    isNumber(98.3)                    // -->   true
    modulus(-5, 3)                    // -->   1
    nthRoot(8, 3)                     // -->   2
    gcd(12, 18)                       // -->   6
    bin(-36)                          // -->   '-0b100100'
    int('-0b100100')                  // -->   -36
    enToFaNumber(1234567890)          // -->   '۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰'
    toFaPercent(47)                   // -->   '٪ ۴۷'
    // ...


This is a very tiny tree-shakable number-utilities library designed for JavaScript/TypeScript projects. It is a collection of functions that are used to perform common daily tasks with numbers, including numbers generation (both random and non-random), rounding to a specific number of decimal places, converting numbers to formatted strings, etc.


  • has no dependencies
  • is written in TypeScript
  • is lightweight (<2kb gzipped)
  • supports both ESM and CJS outputs
  • is compatible with both Node.js and browsers
  • is modular, functional, tree-shakable and easy to use
  • is developed by TDD approach and is fully tested and documented


    npm install number-slayer
    # or
    yarn add number-slayer


    import { addCommasToNumber } from 'number-slayer';
    // or if you are using commonjs:
    // const addCommasToNumber = require('number-slayer/dist/index.cjs').addCommasToNumber;

    const number = addCommasToNumber(1234567890);
    console.log(number); // -->   '1,234,567,890'

Quick Guide

Detailed Examples

⚙️ General utils


returns a random integer number between (and including) the given min & max values

    import { randomInt } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(randomInt(1, 10)); // random number between 1 and 10. e.g. 5
    console.log(randomInt(10, 1)); // is the same as randomInt(1, 10)

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creates an array of numbers from the starting number up to the ending number (exclusive) with arbitrary step (default is 1).

    import { range } from 'number-slayer';

    const numbers = range(3, 10);     //-> [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    const numbers2 = range(25, 32, 2); //-> [25, 27, 29, 31]

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splits a float into a whole number and a fractional part (sum of the two parts is equal to the original number). returns an array with the two parts.

    import { split } from 'number-slayer';

    const num = split(1.23456789); // -> [1, 0.23456789]

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⚙️ Counting utils


returns the number of decimal places in a float number.

    import { countFloatDigits } from 'number-slayer';

    countFloatDigits(-43.156) // -> 3

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returns the number of digits in the integer part of a number

    import { countIntDigits } from 'number-slayer';

    const ints = countIntDigits(-198989.999); // -> 6

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can be used as a callback function when trying to count digits and truthy values in an array (counts zero as well). the return value of this function is either 1 or 0;

    import { countWithZeros } from 'number-slayer';

    const mixedArray = [null, undefined, 0, "0", 6, "345", "-12", ""];
    const passList = mixedArray.filter(countWithZeros); // -> [0, "0", 6, "345", "-12"]
    console.log(passList.length); // 5

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⚙️ Transformation utils


seperates the integer part of a number with commas every three digits. the delimiter can be defined as a custom string as well.

    import { addCommasToNumber } from 'number-slayer';

    const n1 = addCommasToNumber(1234567890)    // -> "1,234,567,890"
    const n2 = addCommasToNumber(-5589.43, "'") // -> "-5'589.43"

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converts -0 to 0, else returns the non-zero number.

    import { avoidMinusZero } from 'number-slayer';

    const n1 = avoidMinusZero(0)    // -> 0
    const n2 = avoidMinusZero(-0)   // -> 0
    const n3 = avoidMinusZero(1)    // -> 1
    const n4 = avoidMinusZero(-1)   // -> -1

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rounds a float number to the given number of decimal places. it takes three arguements:

  • num (required) number to be rounded
  • precision (optional. default: 14) number of decimal digits from right not to be rounded/floored/ceild
  • format (optional. default: "round") number-cutting strategy. can be: `"round" | "floor" | "ceil"
    import { roundFloat } from 'number-slayer';

    roundFloat(1.23456789, 3); // -> 1.235
    roundFloat(1.23456789, 2, "floor"); // -> 1.23

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rounds a real number to a certain multiple of 10. it takes three arguements:

  • num (required) number to be rounded
  • precision (optional. default: 1) number of digits from left not to be rounded/floored/ceild
  • format (optional. default: "round") number-cutting strategy. can be: "round" | "floor" | "ceil"
    import { roundThousands } from 'number-slayer';

    roundThousands(1462621.12158);             // -> 1000000
    roundThousands(1462621.12158, 3, 'ceil');  // -> 1470000

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rounds a number to the given precision decimals. also returns non-numeric values as they are without returning NaN stuff or throwing errors.

    import { toPrecision } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(toPrecision('foo')); // 'foo'
    console.log(toPrecision(5.2341)); // 5.2341
    console.log(toPrecision(48.23416789, 3)); // 48.234

NOTE: JavaScript has a similar method: toPrecision, which doesn't work like this.

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pads a number with leading or trailing zeros of a specific length (can be used for both the integer and decimal parts).


  • num (required) number to be padded
  • int (optional) length of the desired string for the integer part of the number (defaults to 2)
  • dec (optional) length of the desired string for the decimal part of the number
  • addSign (optional) if true, the positive sign of the number will also be added to the beginning of the resulting string
    • if the argument number is a positive signed number-string, the sign will be added to the beginning of the resulting string (default behavior)
    • NOTE: the negative sign will be added regardless of the value of this argument
    import { zeroPad } from 'number-slayer';
    console.log(zeroPad(1)); // '01'
    console.log(zeroPad(1, 3)); // '001'
    console.log(zeroPad(1, 3, 2)); // '001.00'
    console.log(zeroPad(-47.8, 3, 2)); // '-047.80'
    console.log(zeroPad('+47.8', 3, 2)); // '+047.80'
    console.log(zeroPad(47.8, 3, 2)); // '047.80'
    console.log(zeroPad(47.8, 3, 2, true)); // '+047.80'

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⚙️ Validation utils


checks if the given argument is a real number. returns true if the argument is a real number, false otherwise.

    import { isNumber } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(isNumber({})); // false
    console.log(isNumber(-1.1)); // true
    console.log(isNumber(undefined)); // false
    console.log(isNumber(1 / Math.sqrt(Math.PI))); // true

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checks if the number is out of +-MAX_SAFE_INTEGER bounds. returns true if the argument number is too big for calculations.

    import { isBigNumber } from 'number-slayer';

    isBigNumber(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER - 1); // -> true
    isBigNumber(9100000000000000);            // -> true

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checks if the given argument is a float number. returns true if the argument is a float number, false otherwise.

    import { isFloat } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(isFloat(-1.1)); // true
    console.log(isFloat(12.0)); // false
    console.log(isFloat(1 / Math.sqrt(Math.PI))); // true

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⚙️ Mathematical utils


returns the positive remainder of a division, no matter the sign of the dividend.

    import { modulus } from 'number-slayer';

    const simpleModulus = -5 % 3;                // -> -2
    const numberSlayerModulus = modulus(-5, 3);  // ->  1
    // 1 is the same as -2 + 3

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returns the nth root of a number.

  • (e.g: 2nd root of a number is the square root of the number.)
  • (e.g: 3rd root of a number is the cube root of the number.)
    import { nthRoot } from 'number-slayer';

    const num = nthRoot(64, 3); // -> 4
    const num3 = nthRoot(2, 2); // -> 1.4142135623730951

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returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the argument numbers

    import { gcd } from 'number-slayer';

    const num = gcd(12, 18, 36) // -> 6

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returns the Least Common Multiple of the argument numbers

    import { lcm } from 'number-slayer';

    const num = lcm(12, 18, 36) // -> 36

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⚙️ Binary conversion utils


converts a binary number to integer. 👇🏻


converts an integer number to binary (the result will always start with the prefix 0b. this is similar to Python's bin function).

    import { int, bin } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(int('100100')); // 36
    console.log(int('0b100100')); // 36
    console.log(bin(36)); // '0b100100'
    console.log(bin(-36)); // '-0b100100'

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⚙️ Persian language helper utils


converts a Persian number to English (ignores non-numeric characters).

    import { faToEnNumber } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(faToEnNumber('۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰')); // '1234567890'
    console.log(faToEnNumber('He knows -25.48 is -۲۵.۴۸')); // 'He knows -25.48 is -25.48'

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converts an English number to Persian (ignores non-numeric characters).

    import { enToFaNumber } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(enToFaNumber(-123.66)); // '-۱۲۳.۶۶'
    console.log(enToFaNumber('مبلغ 25000 تومان')); // 'مبلغ ۲۵۰۰۰ تومان'

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converts a number to Persian percent.

    import { toFaPercent } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(toFaPercent(50)); // '٪ ۵۰'

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⚙️ Fun utils


returns a random 🎲 number (1 to 6) 👇🏻


returns an array of random dice numbers 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲... (takes the number of dices as an argument)

    import { rollDice, rollMultipleDices } from 'number-slayer';

    console.log(rollDice()); // a random dice number: e.g. 6
    console.log(rollMultipleDices(4)); // a list of random dice numbers: e.g. [4, 1, 6, 3]

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Want More Examples?

see the tests folder for more detailed examples.


Please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request to add a new feature or fix a bug. (see contributing for more details)


The MIT License (MIT)

© (2021 - Present) Sina Khodabandehloo