1.1.6 • Published 3 years ago

numwithcommas v1.1.6

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Last release
3 years ago


TypeScript npm package to convert numbers (string | numbers) to number strings with commas in the proper thousands, millions, billions, etc. places

How to use numwithcommas?

Install the package by doing the following:

npm install --save numwithcommas

In your code, you can import it like this:

import { numWithCommas } from "numwithcommas";

The function numWithCommas takes in a string or a number that looks like 500, "500", 1000, "1000", 1000000, or "1000000" and returns a string with commas in the proper places. You can see the types that come bundled with the package in your VSCode.

import { numWithCommas } from "numwithcommas";

numWithCommas(500); // "500"
numWithCommas("500"); // "500"
numWithCommas(1000); // "1,000"
numWithCommas("1000"); // "1,000"
numWithCommas(1000000); // "1,000,000"
numWithCommas("1000000"); // "1,000,000"

How to test your package changes locally before publishing?

You can run npm run test to run the Jest unit tests and whenever you commit new changes, the Husky pre-commit Git hook will run the unit tests to be sure they pass.

You can also go into the samplelinkedconsumer folder i.e. cd samplelinkedconsumer and take advantage of npm link to test the package changes locally. This assumes you have TypeScript installed globally for you to run tsc and to run Node commands like node in your terminal.

First, run npm run build to compile the TS to JS into the dist folder.

Then, cd samplelinkedconsumer and run npm link ../ to link the numberwithcommas local package with the folder.

Finally, run tsc usage.ts to compile it down to JavaScript and node usage.js to run the code that tries using the linked local package.

How to publish a new npm package version?

Make sure you are logged into your account through npm login. If you are not logged into the proper user, use npm logout first.

Then, run npm run build to compile the package into the dist/ folder.

Next, do npm version <patch|minor|major>.

Finally, do npm publish.

How to test your package changes after publishing?

Use the sampleconsumer folder and go into the directory with cd sampleconsumer.

Install the version you published

npm install numwithcommas@X.X.X

This assumes you have TypeScript installed globally for you to run tsc and to run Node commands like node in your terminal.

Run tsc usage.ts to compile it down to JavaScript and node usage.js to run the code that tries using the linked local package.