0.1.5 • Published 9 years ago

nunit-command v0.1.5

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9 years ago

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Node plugin for creating NUnit commands NUnit.

Getting Started

$ npm install nunit-command


Create an options object like this:


    // Can be solutions, projects or individual assemblies. Solutions
    // are searched for projects referencing nunit.framework.dll.
    files: {
        src: [

    // The path to the NUnit bin folder. If not specified the bin
    // folder must be in the system path.
    path: 'c:/Program Files/NUnit/bin',

    // Runs the anycpu or x86 build of NUnit. Default is anycpu.
    // http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=nunit-console&r=2.6.3
    platform: 'anycpu|x86',

    // Integrate test output with TeamCity.
    teamcity: true|false,

    // The options below map directly to the NUnit console runner. See here
    // for more info: http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=consoleCommandLine&r=2.6.3

    // Name of the test case(s), fixture(s) or namespace(s) to run.
    run: ['TestSuite.Unit', 'TestSuite.Integration'],

    // Name of a file containing a list of the tests to run, one per line.
    runlist: 'TestsToRun.txt',

    // Project configuration (e.g.: Debug) to load.
    config: 'Debug',

    // Name of XML result file (Default: TestResult.xml)
    result: 'TestResult.xml',

    // Suppress XML result output.
    noresult: true|false,

    // File to receive test output.
    output: 'TestOutput.txt',

    // File to receive test error output.
    err: 'TestErrors.txt',

    // Work directory for output files.
    work: 'BuildArtifacts',

    // Label each test in stdOut.
    labels: true|false,

    // Set internal trace level.
    trace: 'Off|Error|Warning|Info|Verbose',

    // List of categories to include.
    include: ['BaseLine', 'Unit'],

    // List of categories to exclude.
    exclude: ['Database', 'Network'],

    // Framework version to be used for tests.
    framework: 'net-1.1',

    // Process model for tests.
    process: 'Single|Separate|Multiple',

    // AppDomain Usage for tests.
    domain: 'None|Single|Multiple',

    // Apartment for running tests (Default is MTA).
    apartment: 'MTA|STA',

    // Disable shadow copy when running in separate domain.
    noshadow: true|false,

    // Disable use of a separate thread for tests.
    nothread: true|false,

    // Base path to be used when loading the assemblies.
    basepath: 'src',

    // Additional directories to be probed when loading assemblies.
    privatebinpath: ['lib', 'bin'],

    // Set timeout for each test case in milliseconds.
    timeout: 1000,

    // Wait for input before closing console window.
    wait: true|false,

    // Do not display the logo.
    nologo: true|false,

    // Do not display progress.
    nodots: true|false,

    // Stop after the first test failure or error.
    stoponerror: true|false,

    // Erase any leftover cache files and exit.
    cleanup: true|false


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