0.3.7 • Published 6 years ago

nuxt-puppeteer v0.3.7

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6 years ago

Nuxt Jest Puppeteer

This plugin was made while working on testing for studbits.com. We hope you find it useful!


npm install nuxt-jest-puppeteer --save-dev


Add the following to your package.json.

"babel": {
   "presets": ["env"]
"scripts": {
  "test": "nuxt-jest-puppeteer",

That's it, now you all you need to do is run npm run test to start nuxt and have your complete testing environment setup with jest and puppeteer.


Along with Jest's global variables, we expose puppeteer's browser object and nuxt's BASE_URL to facilitate testing.

Example usage:

describe('Index page', () => {
    let page
    beforeAll(async () => {
      page = await browser.newPage()
      await page.goto(BASE_URL)
    afterAll(async () => {
      await page.close()

    it('renders index page', async () => {
      const el = await page.$('.index-page')

We also add extra methods to the browser object to make it easy to test Nuxt pages:

  • visitPage, a Function, receives the route as a paramter and returns puppeteer's designated browser page object, powered up with the following nuxt-related methods:
    • html, a Function, returns a promise that resolves to the page's outer HTML.
    • nuxt, Object with the following helpers:
      • navigate, a Function, accepts a path so that you can change pages.
      • loadingData, a Function, that resolves to an object with the current Loading data.
      • routeData, a Function, that resolves to an object with the current Route data.
      • errorData, a Function, that resolves to an object containing any Nuxt errors.
      • storeState, a Function, that resolves to an object with the current Store state.

Example usage:

describe('Index page', () => {
    let page
    beforeAll(async () => {
      page = await browser.visitPage('/home')
    afterAll(async () => {
      await page.close()

    it('renders index page', async () => {
      const elStr = await page.html()

For a complete look at testing, see Jest's assertion API and puppeteer's browser API.

Advanced Usage

If you'd like to run Nuxt yourself, set the environment variable SELF_START to true.

In order for Nuxt test helpers to still work, you must set the BASE_URL as well.

Here's an example of how to run nuxt-jest-puppeteer programmatically:

const runTest = require('nuxt-jest-puppeteer')

process.env.SELF_START = true
process.env.BASE_URL = `http:localhost:3000`

Promise.all([runNuxtClient(), runAdonisApi()])
  .then(([client, api]) => {
    let runner
    try {
      runner = runTest()
    } finally {
        .then(() => {
        .catch(() => process.exit())



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