1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

nuxt-shopify-unoptimized v1.0.1

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5 years ago

🛍 Shopify Module

npm version Dependencies npm downloads code style: prettier License: MIT FOSSA Status

Easy Shopify Buy client integration with Nuxt.js


Install with yarn:

yarn add nuxt-shopify

Install with npm:

npm install nuxt-shopify


module.exports = {
  modules: ['nuxt-shopify'],

  shopify: {
    domain: 'your-shop-name.myshopify.com', // your shopify domain
    storefrontAccessToken: 'your-storefront-access-token', // your shopify storefront access token


module.exports = {
  modules: ['nuxt-shopify'],

  env: {
    SHOPIFY_DOMAIN: 'your-shop-name.myshopify.com', // your shopify domain
    SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN: 'your-storefront-access-token', // your shopify storefront access token

Don't have a Storefront Access Token yet? Get started.




async asyncData({ $shopify, params }) {
  const product = await $shopify.product.fetch(params.id);
  return { product };


methods: {
  async fetchSomething(productId) {
    const product = await $shopify.product.fetch(productId);
    this.product = product;

Store actions (including nuxtServerInit)

// In store
  actions: {
    async fetchAllProducts ({ commit }) {
      const products = await this.$shopify.product.fetchAll();
      commit('SET_PRODUCTS', products)

Shopify Client

Examples from the official shopify-buy sdk library

Fetching products

// Fetch all products in your shop
this.$shopify.product.fetchAll().then(products => {
  // Do something with the products

// Fetch a single product by ID
const productId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0Lzc4NTc5ODkzODQ=';

this.$shopify.fetch(productId).then(product => {
  // Do something with the product

Fetching Collections

// Fetch all collections, including their products
this.$shopify.collection.fetchAllWithProducts().then(collections => {
  // Do something with the collections

// Fetch a single collection by ID, including its products
const collectionId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Db2xsZWN0aW9uLzM2OTMxMjU4NA==';

this.$shopify.collection.fetchWithProducts(collectionId).then(collection => {
  // Do something with the collection

Creating a checkout

// Create an empty checkout
this.$shopify.checkout.create().then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the checkout

Adding Line Items

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout
const lineItemsToAdd = [
    variantId: 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC8yOTEwNjAyMjc5Mg==',
    quantity: 5,
    customAttributes: [{ key: 'MyKey', value: 'MyValue' }],

// Add an item to the checkout
this.$shopify.checkout.addLineItems(checkoutId, lineItemsToAdd).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout
  console.log(checkout.lineItems); // Array with one additional line item

Updating checkout attributes

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9DaGVja291dC9kMTZmM2EzMDM4Yjc4N=';
const input = { customAttributes: [{ key: 'MyKey', value: 'MyValue' }] };

this.$shopify.checkout.updateAttributes(checkoutId, input).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout

Updating Line Items

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout
const lineItemsToUpdate = [{ id: 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0Lzc4NTc5ODkzODQ=', quantity: 2 }];

// Update the line item on the checkout (change the quantity or variant)
this.$shopify.checkout.updateLineItems(checkoutId, lineItemsToUpdate).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout
  console.log(checkout.lineItems); // Quantity of line item 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0Lzc4NTc5ODkzODQ=' updated to 2

Removing Line Items

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout
const lineItemIdsToRemove = ['Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0Lzc4NTc5ODkzODQ='];

// Remove an item from the checkout
this.$shopify.checkout.removeLineItems(checkoutId, lineItemIdsToRemove).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout
  console.log(checkout.lineItems); // Checkout with line item 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0Lzc4NTc5ODkzODQ=' removed

Fetching a Checkout

const checkoutId = '2U4NWNkYzI4ZWEyOTdlOD9rZXk9MDVjMzY3Zjk3YWM0YWJjNGRhMTkwMDgwYTUzOGJmYmI=';

this.$shopify.checkout.fetch(checkoutId).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the checkout

Adding a Discount

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout
const discountCode = 'best-discount-ever';

// Add a discount code to the checkout
this.$shopify.checkout.addDiscount(checkoutId, discountCode).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout

Removing a Discount

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout

// Removes the applied discount from an existing checkout.
this.$shopify.checkout.removeDiscount(checkoutId).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout

Updating a Shipping Address

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0SW1hZ2UvMTgyMTc3ODc1OTI='; // ID of an existing checkout

const shippingAddress = {
  address1: 'Chestnut Street 92',
  address2: 'Apartment 2',
  city: 'Louisville',
  company: null,
  country: 'United States',
  firstName: 'Bob',
  lastName: 'Norman',
  phone: '555-625-1199',
  province: 'Kentucky',
  zip: '40202',

// Update the shipping address for an existing checkout.
this.$shopify.checkout.updateShippingAddress(checkoutId, shippingAddress).then(checkout => {
  // Do something with the updated checkout


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using yarn dev or npm run dev

📑 License

MIT License

FOSSA Status