0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

nw-menu v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago


Rapidly create menus in NW.js with dot-notated indexing for every single item.


$ npm install --save nw-menu

Core dependency is NW.js.



const nwMenu = require('nw-menu');
var appMenu = new nwMenu(map, option);

map is the object containing tree of menu items. Self-references are set into _meta. They must be formatted as well as nw.MenuItem. Other properties are children items and their keys can be used in dot-notation syntax to identify needed MenuItems.

Example map object:

	test: {
		_meta: { label: 'Your caption here...' },
	copy: {
		_meta: { label: 'Copy', key: 'C', modifiers: 'ctrl' },
	paste: {
		_meta: { label: 'Paste', key: 'V', modifiers: 'ctrl' },
	menu: {
		_meta: { label: '1st menu' },
		menu: {
			_meta: { label: '2nd menu' },
			menu: {
				_meta: { label: '3rd menu', click: function() { alert('Clicked on 3rd item'); } }

option is the object that is used in initial nw.Menu call to specify the type of menu. If you want to use menu as menubar, type this:

{ type: 'menubar' }

If you ignore option you'll get contextmenu anyway.

Usage example

Creating menubar:

const nwMenu = require('nw-menu');
var appMenu = new nwMenu({
	file: {
		_meta: { label: 'File' },
		new_: { _meta: { label: 'New', key: 'N', modifiers: 'ctrl' } },
		open: { _meta: { label: 'Open', key: 'O', modifiers: 'ctrl' } },
		save: { _meta: { label: 'Save', key: 'S', modifiers: 'ctrl' } },
		saveAs: { _meta: { label: 'Save as...', key: 'S', modifiers: 'ctrl+shift' } },
		_print: '_',
		print: { _meta: { label: 'Print', key: 'P', modifiers: 'ctrl' } },
		_quit: '_',
		quit: { _meta: { label: 'Quit', click: function() { require('process').exit(0); } } },
	window: {
		_meta: { label: 'Window' },
		console: { _meta: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Console' } },
		properties: { _meta: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Properties' } }
}, { type: 'menubar' });

Bind menubar to NW.js window:

nw.Window.get().menu = appMenu.bar();

String with underscore ('_') as value is used for separator:

	_section1: '_'
	// It's same as:
	_section1: { _meta: { type: 'separator' } }

Time for something hot. Let's disable save button:

	appMenu.getItem('file.save').enabled = false;

nwMenu.getItem returns MenuItem object associated with specified item.

Now add click callback for some of checkbox items to check switching states:

	console: { _meta: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Console', click: function() {
		if (appMenu.getItem('window.console').checked) alert('Switching console on...');
		else alert('Closing console...');
	} } },

Needs testing

You can pop up any of context subMenus created by nwMenu:

appMenu.getSubMenu('window').popup(0, 0);

(However, popup method has issues on my side: I don't know why it's crashing app.)