3.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

nx-remotecache-mystorage_sush v3.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago



nx-remotecache-custom is a simple package which includes a helper function to create custom nx remote cache implementations. You'll only need to add functions for:

  1. storing a file / buffer
  2. retrieving a file / buffer
  3. checking if a file / buffer exists

and createCustomRunner() is taking care of everything else. Not convinced yet? The package will also:

  • Print beautiful & colored nx-style messages to the console 💅🎆
  • Allow you to execute asynchronous code in the setup phase of your runner 🤖
  • Handle all thrown errors ➡ No broken builds to offline remote caches 🚀
  • Automagically zip all the cached files ➡ Minimal storage & traffic consumption 📦
  • Provide a small defined and documented API 📚


npm i nx-remotecache-custom
// define custom parameters for your nx.json here
interface MyRunnerOptions {
  remoteUrl: string;

export default createCustomRunner<MyRunnerOptions>(async (options) => {
  // initialize environment variables from dotfile

  // initialize the connection to your remote storage here
  const myStorage = new MyStorage(options.remoteUrl);

  return {
    // name is used for logging purposes
    name: "My Storage",

    // fileExists checks whether a file exists on your remote storage
    fileExists: (filename) => myStorage.exists(filename),

    // retrieveFile downloads a file from your remote storage
    retrieveFile: (filename) => myStorage.download(),

    // storeFile uploads a file from a buffer to your remote storage
    storeFile: (filename, buffer) => myStorage.upload(filename, buffer),
  "name": "nx-remotecache-mystorage",
  "main": "index.js"

After this your package is already ready for usage. Publish it to npm (or an internal registry) and consume it in your client library. Install it and adjust your nx.json to use the newly created runner:

"tasksRunnerOptions": {
  "default": {
    "runner": "nx-remotecache-mystorage",
    "options": {
      "remoteUrl": "",
      "cacheableOperations": ["build", "test", "lint", "e2e"]

For a more in-depth code example you can take a look at the implementation of nx-remotecache-azure which uses this package to implement a nx cache on the Azure Blob Storage.

Advanced Configuration

OptionEnvironment Variable / .envDescription
nameNXCACHE_NAMESet to provide task runner name for logging. Overrides name provided in implementation.
verboseSet to receive full stack traces whenever errors occur. Best used for debugging. Default: false
silentSet to mute success and info logs. Default: false
dotenvSet to false to disable reading .env into process.env. Default: true
dotenvPathSet to read .env files from a different folder.
"tasksRunnerOptions": {
  "default": {
    "options": {
      "name": "My Storage",
      "verbose": true,
      "silent": true

All Custom Runners

nx-remotecache-azure Azure Blob Storage
nx-remotecache-minio MinIO Storage