2.0.104-rc.4 • Published 5 months ago

nxn-frontend v2.0.104-rc.4

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5 months ago


This document explains the various uses of the nxn-frontend codebase.


Quick Start

For yarn/bower install errors be sure to configure your local system as per the documentation

To quickly serve and run nxn-frontend:

yarn install
bower install
grunt build-notests
grunt serve

Grunt Commands

Serving nxn-frontend

The nxn-frontend code can be served in various ways. The following are the available controls:

  • Serve source files
    • grunt serve --proxies no_proxies mock nxn-service and mock services
    • grunt serve --proxies all_proxies proxy a local nxn-service, and proxy services
    • grunt serve --proxies nxn_svc proxy a local nxn-service, and mock services
    • grunt serve --proxies all_no_nxn_svc mock nxn-service, and proxy services
    • grunt serve --proxies <proxy_option> --pluginProxy allPlugins <proxy_option> can be no_proxies or all_proxies or nxn_svc or all_no_nxn_svc Apply proxy options along with plugin proxies for all the plugins
    • grunt serve --proxies <proxy_option> --pluginProxy <plugin_name> <proxy_option> can be no_proxies or all_proxies or nxn_svc or all_no_nxn_svc Apply proxy options along with plugin proxies for specified plugin
    • grunt serve --pluginProxy allPlugins mock nxn-service, mock services and proxy all the locally linked plugins
    • grunt serve --pluginProxy <plugin_name> mock nxn-service, mock services and proxy one locally linked plugin
  • Serve minified distribution files (must already have generated /dist, e.g. grunt build-notests)
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies no_proxies Serve distribution, mock nxn-service and mock services
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies all_proxies Serve distribution, proxy a local nxn-service, and proxy services
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies nxn_svc Serve distribution, proxy a local nxn-service, and mock services
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies all_no_nxn_svc Serve distribution, mock nxn-service, and proxy services
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies <proxy_option> --pluginProxy allPlugins <proxy_option> can be no_proxies or all_proxies or nxn_svc or all_no_nxn_svc Serve Distribution and Apply proxy options along with plugin proxies for all the plugins
    • grunt serve:dist --proxies <proxy_option> --pluginProxy <plugin_name> <proxy_option> can be no_proxies or all_proxies or nxn_svc or all_no_nxn_svc Serve Distribution and Apply proxy options along with plugin proxies for specified plugin
    • grunt serve:dist --pluginProxy allPlugins Serve distribution, mock nxn-service, mock services and proxy all the locally linked plugin
    • grunt serve:dist --pluginProxy <plugin_name> Serve distribution, mock nxn-service, mock services and proxy one locally linked plugin
  • Serve a white label client
    • grunt serve --wlKey=<clientWLCookieValue> serve with the specified client look and feel. To get supported values for clientWLCookieValue use the keys of the resourceMap variable in the file mocks/whitelabel/whiteLabelCtrl.js. If you did not log out properly and the next time grunt serve shows a look and feel that you do not want, delete cookies and run grunt serve command once more.

To debug proxy rules, add --verbose at the end.

grunt serve is shorthand for grunt serve --proxies no_proxies

To serve multiple instances, you will need to set different ports for the server and the livereload feature.

grunt serve --connectPort=9090 --livereload=35730

Test Commands

All tests are executed when running grunt build or grunt test.

LINT Validation

grunt nxn-tslint

Code Formatting

grunt format

Karma Unit Tests

grunt test-unit

The above commands utilize the following commands to execute either AngularJS/Angular and Unit/Dist tests. If you run the following manually, be sure to compile the TypeScript via grunt ts copy:dist.

  • grunt karma:angularJSUnit, tests AngularJS specs in hybrid environment without bundles
  • grunt karma:angularJSDist, tests AngularJS specs in hybrid environment with bundles
  • grunt karma:angularUnit, tests Angular specs in a pure Angular environment without bundles
  • grunt karma:angularDist, NOT SUPPORTED YET. See CTSNXN-15148

Add the --karmaDebug command line option to run the Karma server without automatically running tests or terminating so it can be run manually in a GUI browser. This is useful for debugging Karma.

For plugin executions see: grunt-nxn-plugins:Readme.md

Before running any plugin specific karma commands you should run grunt build-notests to ensure the core code is compiled. It should be run every time you update nxn-frontend.

Protractor Integration Tests

grunt test-integration executes all integration tests

grunt update-chrome-driver will update selenium driver with the right version for more information see https://confluence.bnymellon.net/x/xEu_Jw. grunt test-integration:chrome executes all integration tests for Chrome

grunt test-integration --protractorSpec <spec-name> executes only the specified test; The path for <spec-name> is relative to ./test/e2e/:

grunt test-integration:chrome --protractorSpec plugins/<pluginName>/test/e2e/<spec name> executes an e2e test from the plugin

grunt dist-integration:chrome --protractorSpec plugins/<pluginName>/test/e2e/<spec name> executes an e2e test from the plugin using the minified distribution files

For example: grunt test-integration:chrome --protractorSpec login/login.spec.js grunt test-integration:chrome --protractorSpec plugins/slm/test/e2e/slm.spec.js executes a plugin test from the slm plugin


The following command performs a build which will create a distribution directory:

grunt build runs all validation, unit-tests, and integration-tests

grunt build-noprotractor runs all validation and ONLY unit-tests

grunt build-notests runs all validation and NO unit or integration tests

Debugging Karma test failures

  1. In Gruntfile.js > initConfig section > karma
  • set all singleRun to false
  1. In test/karma.conf.js,
  • set config.browsers to empty array
  • set config.singleRun to false
  • set config.logLevel to config.LOG_DEBUG
  • comment out the coverage preprocessors

  1. grunt ts karma:unit --verbose --debug;
  • the terminal should wait for a browser ("No captured browser, ...")
  1. Open chrome to http://localhost:9876/debug.html
  • Use F12 to open the developer console so you can see Network activity & Sources
  1. fdescribe or fit on the test that is failing

  2. Add debugger statements or breakpoints to stop execution

  3. When finished, revert all of these changes

Debugging in intellij (with breakpoints)

  1. Intellij > Run > Edit Configurations
  2. New > JavaScript Debug
  • url: http://localhost:9876/debug.html
  • browser: Chrome
  1. Set a breakpoint in your ts code (or add a debugger; statement)
  2. grunt ts karma:angularUnit --karmaDebug;
    • The command line will wait with a message like Karma v1.7.1 server started at
  3. Run > Debug... > "Whatever you named your config"
    • This will start the browser
  4. When finished...
  • use CTRL+C to terminate the command line
  • Close the spawned instance of Chrome

NOTE: the port might be 9876, 9877, ... depending on how many instances are running.

Debugging SystemJs

These steps help you trace import requests.

  1. In ./appConfig.js, switch to the systemjs source:
  • From:node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.js
  • To: node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js
  1. In node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js Add these lines to the top of the normalize function, see here
    function normalize(key, parentKey) {
        // Print imports to console
        var msg = "[system.normalize] \nimport:\t'" + key + "'";
        if (parentKey) {
            msg += "\nfrom: \t'" + parentKey + "'";
        } else {
            msg += " (top-level request)";
        var config = this[CONFIG];
        // ... the rest of the function here ...


AOT is enabled for production builds(grunt serve:dist) not local builds(grunt serve). Please follow AOT guidelines to resolve AOT-related error: https://angular.io/guide/aot-compiler

API Documentation

To view the API Docs, run grunt serve and navigate to /docs for AngularJS and /docs/angular for Angular. (e.g. http://localhost:9000/docs). Methods that should not be exposed to Plugin Teams should have @internal inside the jsdoc (e.g. /* @internal /) of the method or property. Plugin developers and 2nd party developers should run grunt serve. Core developers should run grunt serve --internalDocs.

Running NEXEN Hybrid with the NDP Shell

Integrating the NEXEN Portal with the NEXEN Distributed Portal requires additional NDP-specific metadata and assets. This is normally handled by the NPX reverse-proxy, but in order to manage the risk of switching NEXEN Portal to NPX, we have implemented multiple bootstrap options for NEXEN Portal:

  • LEGACY - Angular-hybrid application only, no NDP integration.
  • NPX_INJECT - NEXEN Portal has been processed by NPX
  • NDP_FETCH - NEXEN Portal will download NDP resources itself, and has not been processed by NPX.

Running NDP Shell via NEXEN App Server (NPX mock) - NPX_INJECT Mode

To run the NEXEN Hybrid with the NDP Shell in a similar way to how it will run when NPX injects the shell scripts and payloads, you can do as follows:

  1. Run grunt serve or grunt serve:dist to serve NEXEN Hybrid in one terminal
  2. In a separate terminal run yarn nexenapp. Note that the NEXEN App configuration is in the nexenappdev.json file
  3. You can access the application running through the NEXEN App server on http://localhost:4500. Access /shellMocks to change mocks for the different payloads that are injected.

Lazy Load the NDP Shell via Orchestration Service - NDP_FETCH Mode.

  1. Run grunt serve or grunt serve:dist to serve NEXEN Hybrid in one terminal
  2. Access the application on http://localhost:9000
  3. Set an ndp cookie on localhost:9000 to nonpx
    • Add ?ndp=nonpx to set ndp cookie to nonpx
    • Add ?ndp= or ?ndp=anyvalue to unset the ndp cookie
  4. You can use the userName ndpDelay or ndpError to test what happens when the orchestration service api is slow or fails.

In order to manage risk, the new NDP integration implemented is encapsulated within a new set of index-templates (ndp_*.html) generated from the same index.tpl used to generate the non-NDP index_*.html templates. The primary difference is the NDP-templates requires delaying the application bootstrap until the NDP data has been received, or timed-out; while the original non-NDP-templates immediately load the application.

NDP Flags

When running NEXEN in a browser through NPX, you can control the NEXEN Shell's integration via the shell query param.

  • Add ?shell=false to show FRONTEND (legacy hybrid header/footer)
  • Add ?shell=both to show both SHELL and FRONTEND

Note about how Hybrid Loads

The NEXEN Portal uses a mix of "old javascript", non-module based that pollute window object (JS built with Grunt), and "new javascript", encapsulated within ECMAScript Modules (TS built with Angular CLI & Webpack). Since we are using SystemJS (old javascript) to load the Angular application (new javascript), we can't use ESM (import/export) natively and therefore rely on Webpack to convert the Angular modules into non-ESM javascript.

Browsers load scripts in a specific order based on their type (omitted vs "module"), defer, and async attributes.

A side-effect of this architecture is that the entire NEXEN Portal application loads within the non-module script loading phase.

This is a problem for the NEXEN Shell (a module based application) since it should load first. In order for the NEXEN Shell script to load before the NEXEN Portal, we must wait to load the NEXEN Portal application until the window is loaded. This will ensure that all scripts, old and new (type="module"), are loaded before bootstrapping the NEXEN Portal application and allow the NEXEN Shell to be loaded.

MyBNYM Testing

MyBNYM is a special operating mode for NEXEN that allows users to access NEXEN via Desktop SSO. The following are ways of testing MyBNYM locally.

Login as MyBNYM

  1. Clear all cookies
  2. http://localhost:9000/apps/login
  3. Open the brower's dev console and run localStorage.setItem('my', true)
  4. Change the wlCookie to polaris (Dev Tool > Application > Cookies)
  5. Login using desktopSSO user and any password

Step up to Level 10

  1. Attempt to access any L10 State, like "All Dashboards"
  2. An empty dialog will appear. (There are no mocks for the L10 stepup)
  3. Open the browser's dev console and run handleStepupSuccess()
  4. The dialog will close as if it was submitted, and the user should now be at L10.