0.3.0 • Published 6 years ago

oad-utils v0.3.0

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Apache License 2....
Last release
6 years ago

oad-utils CircleCI

Collection of utility functions for OAD: Operations As Data.

OAD: Operation As Data

Operations As Data(OAD) is the concept of handling large JSON data that all the data operations (update/find) should be written as JSON format (≒ plain object). This oad-utils provides utility functions for handling OAD.

Phenyl Family

oad-utils is one of Phenyl Family. Phenyl is a JavaScript Server/Client framework for State Synchronization over Environment(SSoE).


npm install oad-utils

Using types with flow

For Flow annotations, just use /jsnext entrypoint.

import { hasOwnNestedProperty, visitFindOperation } from 'oad-utils/jsnext'

All the interfaces are defined in the depending module mongolike-operations.

API Documentation


  • normalizeQueryCondition()
  • getNestedValue()
  • hasOwnNestedProperty()
  • updateOperationToJSON()
  • normalizeUpdateOperation()
  • mergeUpdateOperations()
  • findOperationToJSON()
  • visitFindOperation()
  • parseDocumentPath()
  • convertToDotNotationString()
  • createDocumentPath()



Operation to find values in large JSON.

See FindOperation(mongolike-operations) for detailed definition.


const findOperation = {
  $and: [
    { libraryName: 'phenyl' },
    { 'libraryVersion.major': { $gte: 1 } }


Condition to find values in large JSON, included in FindOperation. Almost compatible with MongoDB's Query Operators.

See QueryCondition(mongolike-operations) for detailed definition.


Operations to update values of large JSON. Almost compatible with MongoDB's Update Operators.

See README of power-assign for more detailed use.


Restorable is a characteristic of JavaScript class instances which meets the following requirement.

const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(instance)
const plain = JSON.parse(jsonStr)
const newInstance = new TheClass(plain)

assert.deepEqual(newInstance, instance)

Roughly, Restorable object is an instance which can re-created by passing its JSON object to the class constructor.

See is-restorable module for more detail.


The same definition as Amazon DynamoDB's DocumentPath.

type DocumentPath = string

DocumentPath expresses nested value location.

{ foo: { arr: [ { bar: 'baz' }] }}

The string 'baz' is expressed as 'foo.arr[0].bar' in DocumentPath format.

This DocumentPath is slightly different from Dot Notation in MongoDB which expresses 'baz' as 'foo.arr.0.bar' (array index expression is different).


Convert the given object into regular QueryCondition.

import { normalizeQueryCondition } from 'oad-utils'
const cond = { name: 'Shin' }
const normalized = normalizeQueryCondition(cond)
assert.deepEqual(normalized, { $eq: { name: 'Shin' } })


Get the value in the object at the DocumentPath.

import { hasOwnNestedProperty } from 'oad-utils'

const obj = {
  foo: {
    bar: [{}, {}, { baz1: false, baz2: null }
  foo2: undefined

assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo') === obj.foo)
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar') === obj.foo.bar)
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar[0]') === obj.foo.bar[0])
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar[1]') === obj.foo.bar[1])
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar[2]') === obj.foo.bar[2])
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar[2].baz1') === obj.foo.bar[2].baz1)
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo.bar[2].baz2') === obj.foo.bar[2].baz2)
assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'foo2') === obj.foo2)

Behavior toward non-existing values:

assert(getNestedValue(obj, 'a.b.c.d.e') === undefined)

const noNullAccess = true
assert.throws(() => getNestedValue(obj, 'a.b.c.d.e', noNullAccess), /Cannot get value/)

Set the 3rd argument noNullAccess to true and an error is thrown when property access to null occurs.


Check if the object has the DocumentPath.

import { hasOwnNestedProperty } from 'oad-utils'

const obj = {
  foo: {
    bar: [{}, {}, { baz1: false, baz2: null }
  foo2: undefined
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[0]') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[1]') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[2]') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[2].baz1') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[2].baz2') === true)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo2') === true)

assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'bar') === false)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.baz') === false)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[3]') === false)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar[2].baz3') === false)
assert(hasOwnNestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar2') === false)


Convert UpdateOperation to Restorable JSON format.

import { updateOperationToJSON } from 'oad-utils'
class Name {
  constructor(params) {
    this.first = params.first
    this.last = params.last

const person = { name: new Name({ first: 'Shin', last: 'Suzuki' }) }
const op = { $restore: { name: Name }, $set: { 'name.first': 'Shun' } }
assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(op)).$restore.name, {}) // classes re converted to {} over serialization
assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(updateOperationToJSON(op))).$restore.name, '')


Experimental Merge UpdateOperations into one UpdateOperation.

import { mergeOperations } from 'power-assign'
const merged = mergeOperations(
  { $set: { foo: 123 } },
  { $inc: { count: 1 } }
assert.deepEqual(merged, {
  $set: { foo: 123 },
  $inc: { count: 1 }


Convert SetOperator to normalized operation.

import { normalizeOperation } from 'power-assign'
const op = { 'baz.biz': 3 })
assert.deepEqual(normalizeOperation(op), { $set: { 'baz.biz': 3 } })


Convert FindOperation to Restorable JSON format.

import { findOperationToJSON } from 'oad-utils'
const where = {
  name: { $regex: /^John/ }
assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(where)).name.$regex, {}) // regex are converted to {} over serialization
assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(findOperationToJSON(op))).name.$regex, '^John')


Modify FindOperation by passing visitor functions.

Visit with simpleFindOperation visitor:

import { visitFindOperation } from 'oad-utils'
const where = {
  $or: [
    { email: 'foo@example.com', password: 'foo-bar' },
    { email: 'bar@example.com', password: 'foo-bar' },
const modifiedWhere = visitFindOperation(where, {
  simpleFindOperation: op => {
    return Object.assign({}, op, { isUser: true })
assert.deepEqual(modifiedWhere, {
  $or: [
    { email: 'foo@example.com', password: 'foo-bar', isUser: true },
    { email: 'bar@example.com', password: 'foo-bar', isUser: true },

Visit with queryCondition visitor:

const where = {
  name: { $regex: /foo/ }
const modifiedWhere = visitFindOperation(where, {
  queryCondition: cond => {
    if (cond.$regex) {
      return Object.assign({}, cond, { $options: 'i' })
    return cond
assert.deepEqual(modifiedWhere, {
  name: { $regex: /foo/, $options: 'i' }


Parse DocumentPath into an array of property names.

import { parseDocumentPath } from 'oad-utils'
const docPath = 'user.favorites[1].music[30000]'
const attributes = parseDocumentPath(docPath)
assert.deepEqual(attributes, ['user', 'favorites', 1, 'music', 30000])


Create DocumentPath from arguments.

import { createDocumentPath } from 'oad-utils'
const docPath = createDocumentPath('users', 1, 'favorites', 'musics', 24, 'title', '3', 'value')
assert(docPath === 'users[1].favorites.musics[24].title.3.value')


Convert DocumentPath to MongoDB's Dot Notation.

import { convertToDotNotationString } from 'oad-utils'
const docPath = 'user.favorites[1].music[30000]'
const dotNotationString = convertToDotNotationString(docPath)
assert(dotNotationString === 'user.favorites.1.music.30000')


Apache License 2.0