0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

oas-test v0.1.0

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Powerful OpenAPI 3.0 API testing, simplified.


npm install -D oas-test

This library is configured to use Jest by default (see TestRunner.settings() to use with other testing suites); install Jest via npm install -D jest-cli

Basic Usage

Define your tests as follows and run jest index.test.js.

File: index.test.js

import app from '../src/app.js'; // Let's assume app.js exports an Express app
import myOpenApiDoc from '../docs/oas.json'; // and oas.json is an Open API 3 doc
import TestRunner from 'oas-test';
import userTests from './user-tests.js';

// Let's tell Jest to stop the Express app after all tests have run
afterAll(() => app.close());

new TestRunner()
  // You can pass a url instead of the express app, see TestRunner.load()
  .load({ app, oas: myOpenApiDoc })
  // Let's define a hook so all requests for endpoints/operations
  // that are defined in the OAS Document as having Bearer auth
  // and are not testing for unauthorized errors (401)
  // get sent a valid authorization token
  .hook('request', (req, info, task) => {
    if (task.validate === Number(401)) return; // See task object docs

    const { security } = info.endpoint.operation; // See info object docs
    if (!security) return;
    const hasAuth = security.filter(x => x.hasOwnProperty('bearerAuth')).length;
    if (hasAuth.length) req.set('Authorization', 'Bearer SOME_ACCESS_TOKEN');

File: user-tests.js

import { merge } from 'oas-test';

export default function userTests(tr) {
    // Key must match one of OAS operationIDs
    createUser: {
      // Key is a task name (discretionary)
      "Should be a valid response": {
        data(fake, info, task) {
          // Return fake data with a specific username in body
          // for required fields on first iteration
          return (info.iteration === 0)
            ? merge(fake.required, { body: { username: 'test-user' } })
            : fake.required;
        // Validate response OAS schema for response 200,
        validate: 200,
        repeat: 2
      "Should be a fields validation error": {
        // Sending request with deep merged data for required fields
        data(fake, info, task) {
          return merge(fake.required, {
            body: {
              password: 'invalid_password'
        validate: 400
  // We guarantee execution order defining the tasks below in a new
  // call to instance.test(); if execution order was irrelevant,
  // we'd define them in the same call. This way they ones below will be
  // executed after the ones above.
    createUser: {
      "Should be a database validation error": {
        data(fake, info, task) {
          // Should not allow to create the same user twice
          return merge(fake.required, { body: { username: 'test-user' } });
        validate: 400
    showUserByName: {
      data: { query: { username: 'test-user' } },
      validate: 200
    listUsers: {
      response(res, info, task) {
        // Let's use our test suite (in this case Jest) directly
        // to verify some specifics of the response
      validate: 200



A promise that will resolve once all tests (TestRunner.test()) have run.


Initialized as an empty object, accessible to all tasks as info.context.

TestRunner.load(config): TestRunner

  • config: object, with optional properties:
    • app: object, optional, an Express application object.
    • url: string, optional, a complete URL if no app is passed, or the base path for the API if one is. Only optional if app is passed.
    • oas: (object | Promise\<object>), optional, an OAS Document or a promise that resolves in one. If present, it will be validated and dereferenced before any test is run (see info.oas).

If the object has already been loaded with an app, url, or oas (which will probably be the case for your cloned instances), when calling load() again, if properties are undefined, the previous value will be mantained; if they are null or otherwise provide any other new value, they'll be overwritten.

TestRunner.settings(settings): TestRunner

  • settings: object, with optional properties:
    • assert: function, called on test assertions.
    • describe: function, called to group tests; must have signature (name: string, callback: function).
    • test: function, called on each test definition; must have signature (name: string, callback: function). Must support async behavior in at least one of the following ways:
      • callback gets passed a done function to be called when the test has finished as its first argument (example).
      • callback can return a promise to signal the test has finished (example).
    • logger: object, must have log property of type function. Used to log additional details for failed tests.
    • logall: boolean, whether or not to log all failed tests details or just the first failed test details.
    • errorHandler: function, it will catch non-test related errors of async behavior for synchronous return functions, mostly having to do with incorrect oas-test usage. If absert, these errors will be thrown.

Default settings -for usage with Jest:

  assert: (bool) => expect(bool).toBe(true),
  describe: describe,
  test: test,
  logger: console,
  logall: false

Though the use cases are very limited, you could also achieve increased control and write the describe/test calls yourself by doing something like this -this is what it would look like for Jest:

const tr = new TestRunner().load({ app: myapp, oas: myoas });

const getTr = (done) => tr.clone().settings({
  // Switch the `describe` function used by `oas-test`
  // for a function that just calls the callback
  describe: (_, cb) => cb(),
  // Switch the `test` function used by `oas-test` for a function
  // that calls the callback and passes the `done` argument
  test: (_, cb) => cb(done)

// Now we can define it all ourselves and follow
// a more traditional approach
describe('My group of tests', () => {
  test('Test A', (done) => {
      myOperationId: {
        0: {
          response(res, info, task) {
            // My tests here

  test('Test B', (done) => {
      myOperationId: {
        0: {
          // Also works as usual
          validate: 200

  test('Test C', (done) => {
    // Removes the oas definition; now we have to provide the method and path
    getTr(done).load({ app }).test({
      'get:/api/my_endpoint': {
        0: {
          response(res, info, taks) {
            // My tests here

TestRunner.hook(type, callback): TestRunner

Used to define each hook to run for all tasks of a TestRunner instance. See order of execution for details.

  • type: string, one of: "data", "request", "response".
  • callback: function, as defined below.

Data hook

Define a hook to modify the data to be send with the request for each API call.

Usage: instance.hook('data', callback)

  • callback, function, with signature (data?, fake?, info?, task?): data. Can be a Promise returning/async function.
    • data: (object | void), the value returned by task.data() or a previous data hook if there are several registered for the TestRunner instance.
    • fake: object, a fake data object.
    • info: object, an info object.
    • task: object, a task object.
    • Must return the data to be sent, as a data object., or a Promise resolving with said object. If it returns undefined, no data will be sent on the request.

Request hook

Define a hook to modify each request made to the server before it's executed.

Usage: instance.hook('request', callback)

  • callback, function, with signature (req?, info?, task?). Can be a Promise returning/async function. Must not return the request req object or a Promise resolving on one.

Response hook

Define a hook to be called with the server response for each API call.

Usage: instance.hook('response', callback)

  • callback, function, with signature (res?, info?, task?). Can be a Promise returning/async function.

TestRunner.clone(): TestRunner

Returns a clone of the TestRunner instance -with the the same app, url, and oas loaded, and its same settings.

TestRunner.self(callback): TestRunner

Calls callback passing itself as a first argument. Useful to split your tests in different files and serial execution is required, and for creating closure for a group of tests.

Split tests

When following this strategy, we don't have to define a new TestRunner on each test file, and are able to guarantee a serial execution of tests.

File: index.test.js

import TestRunner from 'oas-test';
import testsA from './my-tests-a';
import testsB from './my-tests-b';

new TestRunner()
  .load(myApp, null, myOas)
  // ...define my hooks and settings if desired

File: my-tests-a.js (similarly, my-tests-b.js)

export default (tr) => tr.test({
  // ...my test tasks


  .self(tr => {
    const hello = 'A variable shared for all these test tasks';
      // ...tasks can use "hello" here
    // ...tasks don't have acces to "hello" here

TestRunner.test(tests): TestRunner

Loads and runs all tasks for all tests.


tests object

An object with:

  • Property keys of either (this will be the value of info.id:)
    • A string matching an operationId if an OAS was loaded on the TestRunner.
    • A string indicating the method and path for the groups of tests to be run if a base URL was loaded on the TestRunner, with format method:path, where:
      • method is one of get, put, post, delete, options, head, patch, trace. Ex: get:/v1/pets.
      • Path parameters should be templated as {paramName} in order for data.params to work. Ex: get:/v1/pets/{petId}.
  • Property values of a tasks object.
// OAS example
const oasTests = {
  listTodo: {
    'Test name/description': myTaskObject1,
    'Another test': myTaskObject2
  createTodo: {
    'Test name/description': myTaskObject3,
    'Another test': myTaskObject4

// Non-OAS example
const nonOasTests = {
  'get:/v1/todos': {
    'Test name/description': myTaskObject5,
    'Another test': myTaskObject6
  'post:/v1/todos': {
    'Test name/description': myTaskObject7,
    'Another test': myTaskObject8

tasks object

An object containing the tasks with: Property keys of a string that sets the task name (this will be the value of info.name.) Property values of a task object.

task object

An object defining a single test to be run. See task order of execution.

  • task.data: (function|object|boolean), optional, default: true.
    • When an object, it should be a data object.
    • When a function:
      • See task.data().
      • It is called before the request is made.
      • Should return the data to be sent for the request as a data object., or a Promise resolving with said object.
    • When a boolean:
      • true: sends fake data for required fields only when a) an OAS has been loaded into the TestRunner and b) there's only one mimetype for the operation object, otherwise no data will be sent.
      • false: no data is sent.
  • task.request: function, optional, called before the request is made. See task.request().
  • task.response: function, optional, called after the response is received. Allows you to run additional assertions on the response. Can be async. See task.response().
  • task.validate: (number|string), optional, should specify a status code defined in the OAS for the endpoint being tested. If present, it will validate that:
    • The response status code matches.
    • The content type of the response is among the ones defined for that endpoint and status code.
    • The reponse body is valid according to the JSON Schema defined for that endpoint, status code, and content type.
  • task.repeat: number, optional, default: 1. The number of repetitions each task should have. See info.iterate.

task.data(fake?, info?, task?)

Must return the data to be sent, as a data object., or a Promise resolving with said object (can be async). If it returns undefined, no data will be sent on the request.

task.request(req?, info?, task?)

Manipulates the request to be made. Can be a Promise returning/async function. Must not return the request req object.

task.response(res?, info?, task?)

Allows you to run additional assertions on the response. Can be a Promise returning/async function. You are free to mutate the Response object, for example, if you need to serialize the res.text into the res.body in order for the body to be validated against the JSON schema when working with other mime types.

info object

  • info.id: string, property name under which a group of tasks are found. Matches the OAS operationId.
  • info.name: string, task name, property under which the task is defined.
  • info.endpoint: object, an endpoint object.
  • info.oas: object, a dereferenced OAS obtained from the one loaded in the TestRunner.
  • info.iteration: number, starting on 0; see task.repeat.
  • info.context: object, a shared context object within the TestRunner. Defaults to an empty object.

endpoint object

The endpoint object is obtained from the task.id, as it matches the OAS operationId, and provides information about the request being made and the OAS definition for that endpoint.

data object

  • data.params: object, optional, with property keys of the path parameters to be sent and values of their content.
  • data.headers: object, optional, with property keys of the headers to be sent and values of their content.
  • data.query: object, optional, with property keys of the query parameters to be sent and values of their content.
  • data.cookies: object, optional, with property keys of the cookies to be sent and values of their content.
  • data.body: any, optional, the body to be sent with the request.

fake object

An object containing automatically generated fake data following the schemas for a given OAS operation. Only available when an OAS has been loaded in the TestRunner

  • If the OAS operation has several mimetypes for parameters or the request body:

    • fake.required: object, with property keys of the mimetype names, and values of data objects, pre-populated with fake data for required fields following the request JSON Schema definition.
    • fake.all: object, with property keys of the mimetype names, and values of data objects, pre-populated with fake data for all fields following the request JSON Schema definition.
    • fake.mimeTypes: strings array, with the mimetype names.
  • If the OAS operation has a single mimetype:

    • fake.required: object, a data object, pre-populated with fake data for required fields following the request JSON Schema definition.
    • fake.all: object, a data object, pre-populated with fake data for all fields following the request JSON Schema definition.
    • fake.mimeTypes: an empty array.



Deep merges an arbitrary amount of objects without mutating any.

import { merge } from 'oas-test';

const merged = merge(objA, objB, objC);

Task order of execution

  1. Task data callback
  2. Data hooks (if data is active for the task)
  3. Request hooks
  4. Task request callback
  5. Request execution
  6. Response hooks
  7. Task response callback
  8. Task validation against OAS.