1.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

object-advanced v1.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago


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This package exports an modified Object class with various custom features, which can come useful in various cases.

Note: You can still do everything to advanced object like you do with a normal object


  • Creating a advanced object

const { default:AdvancedObject } = require('object-advanced');

const yourObject = {
    some:"Cool Object",
    like:["this", "one"]
const ob = new AdvancedObject(yourObject);
  • Adding multiple values to object

const a = {
    name: "Shisui Sama",
    age: 49
}, b = {
    alias: "Unknwon",
    somethingElse: ["stuff"]

// ob is your advanced object
ob.concat(a,b); // you can provided any number of objects to add to your object
  • Comparing object with other objects

const anotherOB = {
    lol: false

ob.isEqual(anotherOB); // returns false, because anotherOB is not equal to ob
  • Convert to String


// You can add stuff like repalacer, spaces etc like we do in JSON.stringify
  • Getting Values or Keys

ob.keys() // returns a array with all the keys of the object
ob.values() // returns a array with all the values of the object
  • Getting And Setting Values

const ob2 = new AdvancedObject({
    name: {
        first: "Shisui",
        last: "uchiha"
    others: {
        hobby: {
            fake: ["coding", "gaming"],
            real: ["sleeping", "being lazy"]

// Normally we can get properties like this
// or

// But in advanced we can do somehting like
ob2.get("name.first") ;
// And we can do this too
ob2.get("others.hobby.fake.0"); // 0 refers to the index of the element you want

// Normally we can set properties like this
ob2.name.first = "Kartike";
// or 
ob2["name"]["first"] = "Kartike";

// But in advanced we can do somehting like
ob2.set("name.first", "Kartike") ;
// And we can do this too
ob2.set("others.hobby.fake.0", "Sleeping A LOTT!!"); // 0 refers to the index of the element you want

- Cool stuff about set property

// Adding new values or unfreezing a object
// for-example
const ob3 = new AdvancedObject({
    a: "A",
    b: Object.freeze({

// if you do something like
ob3.b.c = 32;
// The property won't change and you will even get a error in typescript or in strict mode in javascript

// But in advanced you can do this
ob3.set("b.c", 32, true); // true means force i.e. force the changes

// What if you wanna add new property?
// you can normally do this
ob3.something = {
    a: {
        b: {
            c: 69
// but in advnaced you can do
ob3.set("something.a.b.c", 69, true); // ez


For support or issues or queries contact me on my discord server, If you find any bug create a issue here. You can ask for new features on github too.