3.2.0 • Published 9 years ago

object-analyzr v3.2.0

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GNU GPL v3.0
Last release
9 years ago


A Node.js module for iterating through objects asynchronously and synchronously, updating them recursivley and comparing their keys.

License GNU GPL v3.0


npm install object-analyzr --save
var objectAnalyzr = require('object-analyzr');



objectAnalyzr.each(object object, function iterator, function callback);

Applies the function iterator to each item in object, in parallel. iterator is called with a key and a value from the object, and a callback for when it has finished. If the iterator passes an error to its callback, the main callback (for the each function) is immediately called with the error.

Note, that since this function applies iterator to each item in parallel, there is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order.


  • object object - An object to iterate over.
  • function iterator(string key, mixed value, function callback) - A function to apply to each item in object. iterator is passed a callback(error) which must be called once it has completed. If no error has occurred, the callback should be run without arguments or with an explicit null argument.
  • function callback(error) - A callback which is called when all iterator functions have finished, or an error occurs.


// will log 'done' to console if no error occurs in the iterator function
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar',
	function(key, val, next) {
		// Do some asynchronous stuff with key and value
		if(err) next(err); // Ooops ... error ...
	function(err) {
		if(err) throw error;


objectAnalyzr.eachSync(object object, function iterator);

Applies the function iterator to each item in object, serial. iterator is called with a key and a value from the object.


  • object object - An object to iterate over.
  • function iterator(string key, mixed value) - A function to apply to each item in object.


// will log 2 messages to console: 'The value of one is foo'; 'The value of two is bar'
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar'
	function(key, value) {
		console.log('The value of ' + key + ' is ' + value);


objectAnalyzr.update(object object, object extendingObject[, mixed options]);

Adds all keys of extendingObject and their values recursively to object and overwrites existing ones.

Note that object is manipulated directly (objects are passed by reference in JavaScript) and not cloned first, so there is no return.


  • object currentObject - The object to be updated.
  • object newObject - The object to be merged into object.
  • mixed options - Object with the wanted setup or the depth option as a number. Possible options are listed below: - number depth - The depth of recursive updating. All further nesting will be ignored and the concerning part of object will be the same as the conerning one of extendingObject. null for infinite recursion. Default: null.


// object will be {one: 'foo', two: 'qux', three: 'corge'}
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar',
		two: 'qux',
		three: 'corge'
// object will be {one: 'foo', two: {twoThree: 'corge', twoFour: 'waldo'}, three: 'fred'}
		one: 'foo',
		two: {
			twoOne: 'bar',
			twoTwo: 'qux'
		two: {
			twoThree: 'corge',
			twoFour: 'waldo'
		three: 'fred'
	{depth: 1}


objectAnalyzr.compareKeys(mixed expectedObject, object object[, bool strict]);

Compares all keys of object with the keys of expectedObject recursively. If the keys of both objects match exactly true will be returned, otherwise false.


  • object object - The object to be compared with expectedObject.
  • mixed expectedObject - The object for comparison. It can be an array as well, where only the keys are given, if expectedObject is an array, the comparison isn't recursive.
  • mixed options - Object with the wanted setup or the bidirectional option (which was strict in all versions < v3.2.0). Possible options are listed below: - boolean bidirectional - Wether all keys of object have to exist in expectedObject as well or not. Default: false.

Note, that by default all keys of expectedObject have to exist in object as well to return true, but in object there can be keys not set in expectedObject.

If options.bidirectional is set to true, all keys of object have to exist in expectedObject as well, so the comparison is bidirectional.


// returns true
		one: 'foo',
		two: {
			twoOne: 'bar'
		one: 'qux',
		two: {
			twoOne: 'corge'
// returns false
		one: 'foo',
		three: 'bar'


objectAnalyzr.compare(mixed object, mixed expectedObject[, bool strict]);

Compares recursively if all elements of expectedObject exist in object as well and have the same content. If strict is true, the comparison will be bidirectional.


  • mixed object - The array or object to compare with.
  • mixed expectedObject - The array or object for comparison.
  • mixed options - Object with the wanted setup or the bidirectional option (which was strict in all versions < v3.2.0). Possible options are listed below: - boolean bidirectional - Wether all keys of object have to exist in expectedObject as well or not. Default: false. - boolean strict - Whether the comparison of the values of all properties are made with !== (without type conversion) or with != (with type conversion).

Note, that by default all properties of expectedObject have to exist in object as well to return true, but in object there can be properties not set in expectedObject.

If options.bidirectional is set to true, all keys of object have to exist in expectedObject as well, so the comparison is bidirectional.


// returns true
		one: 'foo',
		two: [
		three: 'corge'
		one: 'foo',
		two: [
// returns false
		one: 'foo',
		two: [
		one: 'foo',
		three: [


objectAnalyzr.get(object object, mixed keys);

Returns object reduced to the keys in keys.


  • object object - The object the wanted values are in.
  • mixed keys - An array or object with all keys to be preserved. If it's an object, only the keys that are present in keys are preserved, plus they are renamed to the corresponding value in keys.


// returns {one: 'foo', three: 'qux'}
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar',
		three: 'qux'
// returns {four: 'foo', five: 'qux'}
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar',
		three: 'qux'
		one: 'four',
		three: 'five'


objectAnalyzr.getValues(object object[, array keys]);

Return part of or all values of object.


  • object object - The object with the wanted values.
  • array keys - All keys of object you want the values of. If this argument is undefined, all values of object are returned.


// returns ['foo', 'bar']
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar'
// returns ['foo', 'qux']
		one: 'foo',
		two: 'bar',
		three: 'qux'