1.0.6 • Published 7 months ago

object-live v1.0.6

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Last release
7 months ago

This library allows you to create tracked objects. You can work with it as with a regular hash, while using subscriptions to the events of adding an element, changing and deleting



npm -i object-live

Import library in your code:

import ObjectLive from "object-live";

Create object

Create new observable object:

const obj = new ObjectLive();

Now obj has observable property data, you can set any object to it


obj.data = {
    animals: {
        cat: {name: 'Bob', age: 1},
        dog: {name: 'Alice', age: 2},
        monkey: {name: 'FooBar', age: 3}

or create with initial data:

const obj2 = new ObjectLive({myanydata: {foo: 'bar'}});

Subscribe to some events.

For subscription, you can specify the path to the end property, Examples:

obj.addEventListener('change', 'animals.cat.age', (res) => {
    console.log('old value:', res.oldValue);   // res contains properties: 'oldValue' and 'newValue'. Use it to catch changes
    console.log('new value:', res.newValue);
obj.addEventListener('change', 'animals.dog.name', console.log);

or using the regexp as mask in path:

obj.addEventListener('change', /^animals\.(.*)\.age/, console.log);  //subscribe to ages of cat, dog and monkey

when you change the age value, the change event will be fired:

obj.data.animals.cat.age = 19;

You can set new property in object and get set event:

obj.addEventListener('set', /.*/, res => {
obj.data.animals.cat.balance = '100$';

You can catch delete event:

obj.addEventListener('delete', /^animals\.(.*)/, console.log);
delete obj.data.animals.monkey;


It's easy to use and very fast, you can create objects containing 10k+ trackable properties and not worry about performance