0.2.1 • Published 4 years ago

object-retrieve v0.2.1

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4 years ago
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What is this?

object-retrieve is a package designed to safely get deeply nested values inside of an object. No more long chains of foo && foo.bar && foo.bar.baz. Instead, use the declaritive api to get the value, without having to worry about throwing errors.


To install:

$ npm install --save object-retrieve


import retrieve from 'object-retrieve';

const myObj = { hello: { world: { foo: 'bar' } } };

>>> 'bar'

You may pass in a default value that returns if the given nested object does not have the requested property.

retrieve('hello.world.baz', 'myDefaultVal').from(myObj)
>>> 'myDefaultVal'

In the event that the object contains a key with value undefined, it will return undefined even if a default value is provided. If you wish to override this behavior you may pass in an optional config object, containing the defaultOnUndefined property:

const myObj = { hello: { world: undefined } }

retrieve('hello.world', 'mario').from(myObj)
>>> undefined

retrieve('hello.world', 'mario', { defaultOnUndefined: true }).from(myObj)
>>> 'mario'

defaultOnFalsy works in much the same way as defaultOnUndefined, except it will return default on all falsy values, not just undefined. defaultOnUndefined will override defaultOnFalsy.

You my pass a separator to the config which will allow you to choose the character that the path splits on.

retrieve('lets👏get👏this👏bread', '🥖', { separator: '👏' }).from({ bread: '🍞'})


interface RetrieveConfig {
  overrideUndefined?: boolean; // deprecated in favor of defaultOnUndefined
  defaultOnUndefined?: boolean; // default: false
  defaultOnFalsy?: boolean; // default: false
  separator?: string; // default: '.'

interface FromRetrieve {
  from: (obj: any) => any;

function retrieve(path: string,
                  defaultValue?: any, 
                  config?: RetrieveConfig): FromRetrieve