0.1.10 • Published 5 months ago

object-vectorization v0.1.10

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Object Vectorization

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Object Vectorization is a process of converting structured data objects into numerical vectors,enabling machine learning models to understand and process the information contained in these objects.


Object vectorization is crucial in scenarios where machine learning models require numerical input, and the data is initially presented as structured objects. This framework facilitates the transformation of diverse object types, including categories,identifier,uuid, numbers, booleans, datetime, and nested structures, into numerical vectors that can be fed into machine learning models.

Quick Start

NOTE: app with commonjs module, please use import function to load this module instead, as traditional require is not working with esm module

async function() {
  const { ObjectMetadata, ObjectEncoder } = await import("object-vectorization")
  // .....

To encode a simple object to a vector, you'll follow these steps. Use the provided JavaScript comments to guide you through the process:

import { ObjectMetadata, ObjectEncoder } from "object-vectorization";

// Define Object Metadata
const simpleObjectMetadata: ObjectMetadata = {
  properties: [
    { name: "property1", type: "numeric" },
    { name: "property2", type: "category", values: ["value1", "value2", "value3"] },

// Create Object Encoder
const encoder = new ObjectEncoder(simpleObjectMetadata);

// Encode Simple Object
const simpleObject = {
  property1: 42,
  property2: "value2",
  // Add more properties as needed

const encodedVector = encoder.encode(simpleObject);
expect(encodedVector).toEqual([42, 0, 1, 0]);

// You're able to get feature names from encoder

// Decode Vector to Object (if needed)
const decodedObject = encoder.decode(encodedVector);

Key Components

Object Metadata

The ObjectMetadata defines the structure of the object, specifying properties, their types, and possible values. It includes support for nested objects and lists, enabling the representation of complex, hierarchical data.

To define ObjectMetadata, you need to create a JavaScript object that describes the structure of the data you want to encode. The metadata provides information about the properties, their types, and any constraints or values they may have. Below is a guide on how to define ObjectMetadata

Basic Structure

The ObjectMetadata object consists of a properties array, where each element defines a property of the object.

const basicMetadata = {
  properties: [
    { name: "property1", type: "numeric" },
    { name: "property2", type: "category", values: ["value1", "value2", "value3"] },
    // Add more properties as needed

Property Types

In the ObjectMetadata, each property must have a specified type to define its nature. The supported types include:

  • numeric: Represents numeric values.
  • murmur_hash: Represents string identifiers.
  • category: Denotes categorical values with predefined options.
  • datetime: Signifies date and time values.
  • bool: Represents Boolean values.
  • uuid: Represents universally unique identifier (UUID) values.
  • object: Represents nested objects within the property.
  • fixed_object_list: Indicates a fixed length list of objects with a predefined order.
  • statistic_object_list: Represents a dynamic length list of objects, so reduce the dimension via statistic metrics.

Choose the appropriate type for each property based on the nature of the data it represents. This ensures a clear and consistent definition within your ObjectMetadata.

Property Values

For properties of type category, you can provide an array of allowed values:

{ name: "property2", type: "category", values: ["value1", "value2", "value3"] }

Nested Objects

You can define nested objects within the properties array for more complex data structures:

const nestedMetadata = {
  properties: [
    { name: "property1", type: "numeric" },
      name: "nestedObject",
      type: "object",
      meta: {
        properties: [
          { name: "nestedProperty1", type: "numeric" },
          { name: "nestedProperty2", type: "category", values: ["nestedValue1", "nestedValue2"] },

Certainly! Here's an improved and more detailed explanation for the "Lists of Objects" section using the provided Property interface:

Lists of Objects

For properties of type fixed_object_list or statistic_object_list, you define a list of objects, each adhering to a specific structure. Use the position_dict property to map input list items to their correct positions within the encoded vector.

const listMetadata: Property = {
  name: "objectList",
  type: "fixed_object_list",
  meta: {
    properties: [
      { name: "listProperty1", type: "numeric" },
      { name: "listProperty2", type: "category", values: ["listValue1", "listValue2"] },
  position_dict: [
    { listProperty1: 42, listProperty2: "listValue1" },
    // Add more positions as needed

In the example above, we have a property named "objectList" of type fixed_object_list. The meta property specifies the structure of objects within the list, consisting of "listProperty1" of type numeric and "listProperty2" of type category with predefined values.

The position_dict array is crucial for assigning values to the correct positions within the encoded vector. Each item in the input list is matched with a position object in position_dict, ensuring proper alignment in the encoded representation.

This setup facilitates the encoding and decoding of lists of objects, allowing you to maintain a structured and organized representation of your data. Adjust the property names, types, and positions to suit the specific requirements of your application.


The CategoryEncoder is designed to handle the encoding and decoding of categorical values, commonly used in machine learning tasks. It specifically employs a technique called one-hot encoding to represent categorical values numerically. Here's a detailed explanation of its functionality:

One-Hot Encoding

One-hot encoding is a method of representing categorical variables as binary vectors. For a categorical variable with n possible values, one-hot encoding transforms it into a binary vector of length n, where only one element is 1 (hot), and the rest are 0 (cold). Each position in the vector corresponds to a specific category.

Implementation Details

  • Constructor: The CategoryEncoder takes an array of categorical values (values) during initialization. It builds an index map (#valueIndex) to efficiently look up the index of a value during encoding.

  • Features Method: The features method generates an array of feature names based on the provided name parameter. For each unique value in the categorical set, a feature name is constructed in the format ${name}_is_${String(value)}.

  • Encode Method: When encoding a specific value, the encode method creates a binary vector where the position corresponding to the value's index is set to 1. If the value is undefined, the vector is filled with NaN to indicate missing data.

  • Decode Method: The decode method takes a binary vector and returns the original categorical value. It looks for the position with a value of 1 and retrieves the corresponding value from the index.

  • Length Property: The length property indicates the total number of unique values in the categorical set.

Example Usage

// Example of using CategoryEncoder
const categories = ["red", "green", "blue"];
const categoryEncoder = new CategoryEncoder(categories);

const featureNames = categoryEncoder.features("color");
// Output: ["color_is_red", "color_is_green", "color_is_blue"]

const encodedVector = categoryEncoder.encode("green");
// Output: [0, 1, 0] (binary representation of "green" in the categorical set)

const decodedValue = categoryEncoder.decode([0, 1, 0]);
// Output: "green"

The CategoryEncoder simplifies the process of working with categorical data by providing an intuitive and efficient way to encode and decode categorical values.


The ObjectEncoder class plays a crucial role in transforming objects, guided by their metadata, into numerical vectors. It is a versatile tool that supports encoding and decoding for various property types, including categories, numbers, booleans, datetime, objects, and fixed or statistical lists.


The constructor takes an instance of ObjectMetadata as its parameter. The metadata defines the structure of the object, specifying properties, their types, and possible values. The ObjectEncoder internally sorts and fills encoders for the provided metadata.

// Example of creating an ObjectEncoder instance
const encoder = new ObjectEncoder(myObjectMetadata);

Features Method

The features method generates an array of feature names based on the properties defined in the metadata. It organizes the features under the specified name parameter, providing a clear structure for the encoded vector.

// Example of getting feature names from an ObjectEncoder instance
const featureNames = encoder.features("myObject");
// Output: ["myObject_property1_feature1", "myObject_property1_feature2", "myObject_property2", ...]

Encode Method

The encode method takes an object conforming to the structure defined in the metadata and transforms it into a numerical vector. It processes each property using the corresponding encoder and concatenates the results into a single vector.

// Example of encoding an object using ObjectEncoder
const myObject = {
  property1: "someValue",
  property2: 42,
  // ... other properties
const encodedVector = encoder.encode(myObject);
// Output: [0, 1, 0, 0, 42, ...]

Decode Method

The decode method performs the inverse operation, taking a numerical vector and reconstructing the original object. It iterates through the properties, decoding segments of the vector using the respective property encoders.

// Example of decoding a vector using ObjectEncoder
const decodedObject = encoder.decode(encodedVector);
// Output: { property1: "someValue", property2: 42, ... }
  • Ensure that the provided object adheres to the structure defined in the metadata.
  • Pay attention to the feature names generated by the features method for a clear understanding of the encoded vector.

The ObjectEncoder simplifies the process of working with complex objects in machine learning scenarios, providing a seamless transition between object-oriented and numerical representations.


The FixedListEncoder is a specialized encoder designed for encoding and decoding arrays of objects with a fixed structure. It is particularly useful when dealing with datasets where each element has a predefined set of properties. it's designed for encoding and decoding arrays of objects with a fixed order. In the provided example, it is configured with metadata defining individual item properties, including nested objects. The position dictionary establishes the expected structure of the list.

Usage Example:

import FixedListEncoder, { ObjectMetadata } from 'object-vectorization';

// Step 1: Define metadata for individual items
const meta: ObjectMetadata = {
  properties: [
    { name: 'name', type: 'category', values: ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'] },
    { name: 'age', type: 'numeric' },
      name: 'details',
      type: 'object',
      meta: {
        properties: [
          { name: 'gender', type: 'category', values: ['Male', 'Female'] },
          { name: 'city', type: 'category', values: ['New York', 'London'] },

// Step 2: Specify a position dictionary indicating the expected structure of the list
const positionDict = [
  { name: 'Alice' },
  { name: 'Bob' },

// Step 3: Create an instance of FixedListEncoder
// with the defined metadata and position dictionary
const encoder = new FixedListEncoder(meta, positionDict);

// Step 4: Encode an array of objects using the initialized encoder
const testData = [
  { name: 'Alice', age: 25, details: { gender: 'Female', city: 'New York' } },
  { name: 'Bob', age: 30, details: { gender: 'Male', city: 'London' } },
  { name: 'Charlie', age: 35, details: { gender: 'Female', city: 'Paris' } },

const encodedVector = encoder.encode(testData);

// Step 5: Retrieve features and the encoded vector for further analysis or storage
const features = encoder.features();
console.log('Features:', features);
// [
//   "root_0_age",
//   "root_0_details_city_is_London",
//   "root_0_details_city_is_New York",
//   "root_0_details_gender_is_Female",
//   "root_0_details_gender_is_Male",
//   "root_0_name_is_Alice",
//   "root_0_name_is_Bob",
//   "root_0_name_is_Charlie",
//   "root_1_age",
//   "root_1_details_city_is_London",
//   "root_1_details_city_is_New York",
//   "root_1_details_gender_is_Female",
//   "root_1_details_gender_is_Male",
//   "root_1_name_is_Alice",
//   "root_1_name_is_Bob",
//   "root_1_name_is_Charlie",
// ]
console.log('Encoded Vector:', encodedVector);
// [
//   25, 0,  1, 1, 0, 1,
//    0, 0, 30, 1, 0, 0,
//    1, 0,  1, 0
// ]

// Step 6: Decode the vector back into an array of objects
const decodedList = encoder.decode(encodedVector);

This example showcases the usage of FixedListEncoder for maintaining a fixed structure while encoding and decoding arrays of objects, including scenarios with nested structures.


The StatisticListEncoder extends the encoding capabilities by introducing statistical aggregations for each property. It allows you to calculate statistics such as max, min, avg, count, and sum across the values of a property.

The StatisticListEncoder adds a layer of complexity to encoding, enabling you to capture more nuanced information about your data through statistical summaries.




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