0.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

objextension v0.0.3

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8 years ago

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The implementation of several methods the Object class that is missing for all objects

This uses Symbols to add to the prototype of the Object class, if you are not comfortable with this there is an option to add this to any class you please. This adds most of the array methods to an Object allowing you to use your functional programming on objects as well.


$ npm install --save objextension


const o = require('objextension')();
let x = {
//=> 1

Is this even safe?

I was reading this article and didn't even finish reading the article to see that he made an NPM module. I quickly made this package (and of course I like it better)




Type: object

Currently the only option to specify is toExtend where you can provide a class you would like to extend such as:

let single = function () {
    this.x = 34

let go = require('objextension')( {
    toExtend: single
} )

( new single() )[ go.pick ]( 'x' )
//=> 34

Methods that are now available to all objects

pick( query )


Type: string or Array of strings

Returns the value of an object the specified key.

x[ o.pick ]('a')
//=> 1

copy( )

Returns a copy of the current object.

let y = {
	a: 3
y[ o.copy ]()
//=> { a: 3 }

extend( objExtendingWith, otherObjects , , , )


Type: Object Description: The object whose properties will be copied onto a copy of the current object.

Returns a copy of the current object with objExtendingWith's properties deeply copied onto it. Multiple Objects can be placed in different arguments.

let obj={
	ext = {
		a: 3
obj[ o.extend ](ext)
//=> { a: 3, b: 4 }

//=> { b: 4 }

assign( objExtendingWith, otherObjects , , , )


Type: Object Description: The object whose properties will be copied onto the current object.

Merges the current object with objExtendingWith's properties deeply copied onto it. Therefore mutating the current object. Multiple Objects can be placed in different arguments.

let obj={
	ext = {
		a: 3
obj[ o.assign ](ext)
//=> { a: 3, b: 4 }

//=> { a: 3, b: 4 }

remove( query )


Type: string or Array of strings Description: The Key to be removed.

Returns the value of each key ( as an Array if query is an Array ).

x.removeMe = 'has been removed'
x[ o.remove ]( 'removeMe' )
//=> 'has been removed'

x.removeMe = 'has been removed'
x.meTo = 'also'
x[ o.remove ]( [ 'removeMe', 'meTo' ] )
//=> [ 'has been removed', 'also' ]

keys( )

Returns the keys of an object as an Array.

x[ o.keys ]()
//=> [ 'a', 'b', 'd' ]

values( )

Returns the values of an object as an Array.

x[ o.values ]()
//=>[ 1, { c:4 }, [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]

keyOf( query , searchingArray )


Type: Anything or Array of Anythings


Type: Boolean Description: If you are searching for an array as the value set this to true otherwise it will search for each value in that array. Default: false

Returns the key (or Array of keys) of the object where query is found.

x[ o.keyOf ](1)
//=> 'a'
x[ o.keyOf ]( [ 1, true ] )
//=> [ 'a', 'e' ]

includes( query )


Type: Anything or Array of Anythings

Returns true if and only if query is in the values of the object.

x[ o.includes ](1)
//=> true

has( query )


Type: Anything or Array of Anythings

Returns true if and only if query is in the keys of the object.

x[ o.has ]('nonexistent')
//=> false

forEach( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object.

x[ please.forEach ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
    } )
//=> 1
//=> { c:4 }
//=> [ 1, 2, 3 ]

map( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object. Returns a new object with the values transformed.

x[ please.map ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
        if( Number(currentValue)===currentValue ){
        	return currentValue+1;
        if( Array.isArray( currentValue ) ){
        	return currentValue.map(function(cur,i,arr){
            	return cur+2;
        return currentValue;
    } )
//=> { a:2, b:{ c:4 }, d:[ 3, 4, 5 ] }

every( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object. Returns true if and only if callback returns true for every value of the object.

let does=please;
x[ does.every ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
        if( Number(currentValue)===currentValue ){
        	return true;
        return false
    } )
 //=> false

none( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object. Returns true if and only if callback returns false for every value of the object.

let does=please;
x[ does.none ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
        if( Number(currentValue)===currentValue ){
        	return true;
        return false
    } )
 //=> false

some( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object. Returns true if callback returns true for any value of the object.

let does=please;
x[ does.some ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
        if( Number(currentValue)===currentValue ){
        	return true;
        return false
    } )
 //=> true

filter( callback )


Type: function Accepts: (Current Value, Current Key, Object itself)

Performs callback once for each value of each key of the object. Returns a new object with the values if and only if callback returns true for the value of the object.

let does=please;
x[ does.filter ]( function ( currentValue, currentKey, obj ) {
        if( Number(currentValue)===currentValue ){
        	return true;
        return false
    } )
 //=> { a: 1 }


MIT © Nick The Sick


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago