0.1.2 • Published 8 years ago

observable-sectioned-array v0.1.2

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8 years ago

Observable sectioned array.

A nativescript plugin to use sections of items for data binding. This can be used alongside Sectioned List View to support sections.


Run the following command from the root of your project

$ tns plugin add observable-sectioned-array

This command automatically installs the necessary files, as well as stores observable-sectioned-array as a dependency in your project's package.json file.


Following code imports the module

var observableSectionArrayModule = require("observable-sectioned-array");

Following code creates an array and adds sections to it.

    var students = [
    	{"name" : "Alice", gender:"female"},
    	{"name": "Adam", gender: "male"},
    	{"name": "Bob", gender: "male"},
    	{"name": "Brittany", gender: "female"},
    	{"name": "Evan", gender: "male"}

    var boys = students.filter(function(student) { return student.gender ==="male";});

    var girls = students.filter(function(student) { return student.gender ==="female";});

    var sectionedArray = new observableSectionArrayModule.ObservableSectionArray();
    sectionedArray.addSection("Boys", boys);
    sectionedArray.addSection("Girls", girls);

    sectionedArray.on(observableSectionArrayModule.ObservableSectionArray.CHANGE, function (args) {
        //Fired when we add "Eve" below.
    	console.log("Event name: " + args.eventName + ", action: " + args.action);
        //Event name: change, action: add
    	console.log("args.row: " + args.row + ", args.section: " + args.section + ", added count: "+args.addedCount);
        //args.row: 2, args.section: null, added count: 1

	console.log('No of sections: ' + sectionedArray.getNoOfSections());
    //No of sections: 2
    console.log('No of items in section 1: ' + sectionedArray.getNoOfItemsInSection(1));
    //No of items in section 1: 2
    console.log('Item at {1,1}: ' + JSON.stringify(sectionedArray.getItem(1,1)));
    //Item at {1,1}: { "name": "Brittany", gender: "female" }

    //Now add a new student "Eve" to girls after some delay. 
    setTimeout(function() {
    	sectionedArray.push([{"name": "Eve", gender:"female"}], 1);
    }, 3000);