0.0.2 • Published 9 months ago

obyte-http-client v0.0.2

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9 months ago

Obyte http client


yarn add obyte-http-client


import obyte from "obyte-http-client"


1. Create an instance

import obyte from "obyte-http-client";

export default new obyte.Client({
  testnet: true

2. Use

import obyteClientInstance from "..."; 

const witnesses = obyteClientInstance.getWitnesses();


getWitnesses - Returns list of the current witnesses.

const witnesses = obyteClientInstance.getWitnesses(); // use cache

const witnesses = obyteClientInstance.getWitnesses(true); // update every time

getPeers - Returns the list of the current peers.

const peers = obyteClientInstance.getPeers();

getJoint - Request data of a specific unit.

const joint = obyteClientInstance.getJoint('k37Xlns198EHCtubX5X0kqbrnC9XYVTa0aFpR78gidM=');

getLastMci - Get the last main chain index of the node you logged to.

const last_mci = obyteClientInstance.getLastMci();

getHistory - Get the history of one or multiple addresses.

const history = obyteClientInstance.getHistory(["ULQA63NGEZACP4N7ZMBUBISH6ZTCUS2Q"]);

getAttestation - Get attestation unit id from a specific attested value.

const attestation = obyteClientInstance.getAttestation("H5EZTQE7ABFH27AUDTQFMZIALANK6RBG", "email", "obyte@obyte.org");

getAttestation - Get all attestations of a specific address.

const attestations = obyteClientInstance.getAttestations("ULQA63NGEZACP4N7ZMBUBISH6ZTCUS2Q");

getDefinition - Get an address definition.

const definition = obyteClientInstance.getDefinition("TMWNLXR42CKIP4A774BQGNVBZAPHY7GH");

getBalances - Get balances from one or multiple addresses (max 100).

const balances = obyteClientInstance.getBalances(["TMWNLXR42CKIP4A774BQGNVBZAPHY7GH"]);

getProfileUnits - Get profile unit ids from one or multiple addresses (max 100).

const profile_units = obyteClientInstance.getProfileUnits(["TMWNLXR42CKIP4A774BQGNVBZAPHY7GH"]);


const data = obyteClientInstance.getDataFeed(["I2ADHGP4HL6J37NQAD73J7E5SKFIXJOT"], "timestamp", "none");

dryRunAa - Calculates the predicted outcome of an Autonomous Agent with a sample transaction.

const trigger = {
  address: 'K237YYRMBYWCJBLSZGLJTXLZVVEXLI2Y', // sent from address
  outputs: {
    'base': 10000 // default AA bounce fee in bytes
  data: {
    'vest': true

const result = obyteClientInstance.dryRunAa("TSDLQPZTSVDNC63G7YROC26CYCCZC4GO", trigger);

getAaStateVars - Get state variables of an Autonomous Agent.

const state_vars = obyteClientInstance.getAaStateVars("TSDLQPZTSVDNC63G7YROC26CYCCZC4GO", "proposal_1");

getAasByBaseAas - Get Autonomous Agents that are based on some Autonomous Agent.

const aas = obyteClientInstance.getAasByBaseAas("QFM5ECICVHZKRVTW3EMVTUSYJ6P2WLDY"); // or ["QFM5ECICVHZKRVTW3EMVTUSYJ6P2WLDY"]

getAaResponses - Get latest Autonomous Agent responses.

const responses = obyteClientInstance.getAaResponses("PVMCXUZBEHCFWOLXUDQVNCQZ476LNEW4"); // or ["PVMCXUZBEHCFWOLXUDQVNCQZ476LNEW4"]


const response_chain = obyteClientInstance.getAaResponseChain("QjJsukONZ57VBVtLk/0ak1jMYNW0vw7q0So95KBJH2k=");

executeGetter - Execute AA getter function

const result = obyteClientInstance.executeGetter("VLKI3XMMX5YULOBA6ZXBXDPI6TXF6V3D", "get_exchange_result", [0, 100]);


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9 months ago


3 years ago