1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

ocppsimulatorexample v1.0.0

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5 years ago

OCPP 1.6 Charge Point Simulator

Hacky but it works for testing purposes

ChargePoint > CentralSystem all working and can be called on the commandline using "bootnotification, metervalues" etc.

CentralSystem > ChargePoint :

  • All 1.5 features
  • All 1.6 features

This program requires Node.js (http://nodejs.org/). Third-party packages can be installed with the npm utility. Currently, ocppjs depends on 'websocket', 'xml2js', 'node-expat', 'request' and 'jayschema' packages:

Running the Simulator

Just run "run.bat"

See: 1.5-Simulator Branch for 1.5 Simulator, works the same as this one.
