1.1.2 • Published 7 years ago

ofo v1.1.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago

ofo ofo

free bike for everyone


$ npm i ofo


const ofo = require('ofo');

(async () => {
  const location = { lat: 48.85, lng: 2.37 };

  let token = await waitForInput('Do you have user token ? ');
    const ccc    = await waitForInput('What\'s your country code ? ');
    const mobile = await waitForInput('What\'s your mobile phone number ? ');
    const result = await ofo.code(mobile, { ccc });
    console.log('sms code sent:', result);
    const code = await waitForInput('please input OTP code:> ');
    ({ token } = await ofo.login(mobile, code, location));
    console.log('user token:', token);

  const bikes = await ofo.near(token, location);
  console.log('near bikes', bikes);

~$ node example
Do you have user token ?
What's your country code ? 86
What's your mobile phone number ? 18510100102
sms code sent: {}
please input OTP code:> 1866
user token: efdef560-9fba-11e8-8cc1-ed96632744a7
near bikes { cars:
   [ { carno: 'gEgdNq',
       bomNum: '3DA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3686030741643,
       lat: 48.850329008564 },
     { carno: 'k8GZMD',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3710391418327,
       lat: 48.848762424329 },
     { carno: 'KrVLj8',
       bomNum: '0',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3698150921119,
       lat: 48.851634707216 },
     { carno: 'M28ABb',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3724473707886,
       lat: 48.849355266049 },
     { carno: 'beWLYW',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3678884837909,
       lat: 48.848553602448 },
     { carno: 'DgB4GQ',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3722501962554,
       lat: 48.851332147867 },
     { carno: 'OMgjj0',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3723723037124,
       lat: 48.851329221407 },
     { carno: 'n81qQ6',
       bomNum: '3DA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.36647032962,
       lat: 48.850227811611 },
     { carno: '383bBW',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3663582391625,
       lat: 48.850997750058 },
     { carno: 'ARaAlr',
       bomNum: '2OA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3730018620364,
       lat: 48.848183601453 },
     { carno: 'WEeax3',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.369863135327,
       lat: 48.847212733796 },
     { carno: 'j8gdPY',
       bomNum: '0',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.374418795753,
       lat: 48.849158446653 },
     { carno: '6lO5jK',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3738646313409,
       lat: 48.851835130001 },
     { carno: '2l9A5n',
       bomNum: '2OA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.3739737293869,
       lat: 48.852003197158 },
     { carno: 'm9qdDA',
       bomNum: '5CA',
       userIdLast: '1',
       lng: 2.371883877277,
       lat: 48.846629926471 } ],
   { price: '0.50',
     actualPrice: '0.50',
     orderTime: 1200,
     currency: '€',
     type: 1 },
   [ { bomNum: '0',
       animationUrl: '' } ] }


  • Fork this Repo first
  • Clone your Repo
  • Install dependencies by $ npm install
  • Checkout a feature branch
  • Feel free to add your features
  • Make sure your features are fully tested
  • Publish your local branch, Open a pull request
  • Enjoy hacking <3


This work is licensed under the MIT license.