1.0.11 • Published 4 years ago

ohlala-vscode v1.0.11

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago

🕶 How it looks



Markdown, CSS, HTML, Typescript/Javascript

Markdown, CSS, HTML, Typescript/Javascript

🌈 Color palette

Main colors:

green#37E7AC55, 231, 172160°, 61%, 56%green
cyan#51FBDE81, 251, 222170°, 51%, 65%cyan
blue#00B2FF0, 178, 255198°, 100%, 50%blue
purple#9A89B4154, 137, 180264°, 13%, 62%purple
lavender#9B6DFF155, 109, 255259°, 39%, 71%lavender
pink#FF5CD3255, 92, 211316°, 46%, 68%pink
rose#FF6B9D255, 107, 157340°, 40%, 71%rose
orange#FF9970255, 153, 11217°, 38%, 72%orange
yellow#FED604254, 214, 450°, 97%, 51%yellow
gray-01#D9E0E8217, 224, 232212°, 2%, 88%gray-01
gray-02#808182128, 129, 130210°, 0%, 51%gray-02
gray-09#1F233031, 35, 48226°, 21%, 15%gray-09

⚙️ Installation

  1. Open the Extensions sidebar
  2. Search for Ohlala theme
  3. Click on Install
  4. Open the Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P or ⇧ ⌘ P or go to View -> Command Palette...
  5. Select Preferences: Color Theme and choose Ohlala theme.
  6. Enjoy! 🎉

🙈 Language support

I develop mainly in React, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Typescript so for this set of languages, the theme should look pretty good but maybe there be problems for other not tested languages. 👇

🐛 Issues & contributing

This theme is still in progress. Anyway, if you open an issue (or a PR), I will be happy :)

🐡 Customization

If you don't like something and you want to change it, VS Code allows you to do it easily: just open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).\ Now, you can override VS Code's defaults or Ohlala's colors.

Some examples:

  • Contrast colors: if you want to add borders around items across the UI to increase the contrast:

    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
      "contrastActiveBorder": "#68737D",
      "contrastBorder": "#68737D"
  • Underline: if you don't like underline style, you can remove it:

    "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
      "textMateRules": [
          "name": "No underline",
          "scope": [
            "comment keyword.codetag.notation",
            "comment.block.documentation keyword",
            "comment.block.documentation storage.type.class",
            "source.go storage.type",
            "source.groovy storage.type",
            "source.java storage.type",
            "source.powershell entity.other.attribute-name",
          "settings": {
            "fontStyle": "normal"
  • Italics: the same, if you don't like italics style, you can remove it:

    "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
      "textMateRules": [
          "name": "No italics",
          "scope": [
            "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown punctuation.definition.markdown",
            "variable.language punctuation.definition.variable.php",
            "meta.decorator variable.other.readwrite",
            "meta.decorator variable.other.property",
          "settings": {
            "fontStyle": "normal"

To learn more about scopes, check out the color theme documentation.


MIT © Ilaria Venturini


4 years ago