1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago
ohm-r v1.0.3
¿Do you know how many ohms
and tolerance
have your resistance? With ohm-r you just have to provide the colors and you are done!
$ npm install ohm-r -g
Quick Start
The quickest way to get started with ohm-r is providing the colors of your resistance like:
$ ohm-r yellow violet orange gold
You will get the following output:
Ohms: 47,000
Min: 44,650
Max: 49,350
You can use it as a module like:
var ohm = require("ohm-r");
var result = ohm.calc("yellow", "violet", "orange", "gold");
console.log(result); //{ ohms : 47000, tolerance : { min : 44650, max : 49350 } }
Ohm-r has support with Typescript, that's why you can get intellisense and autocomple for colors like:
var ohm = require("ohm-r");
var result = ohm.calc(ohm.colors.YELLOW, ohm.colors.VIOLET, ohm.colors.ORANGE, ohm.colors.GOLD);
console.log(result); //{ ohms : 47000, tolerance : { min : 44650, max : 49350 } }
- The
method requires minimum 4 colors, otherwise it will raise an exception.
Error: The resistance must have at least 4 colors.
- An invalid color will raise an exception too.
var ohm = require("ohm-r");
var result = ohm.calc("pink", ohm.colors.VIOLET, ohm.colors.ORANGE, ohm.colors.GOLD);
Error: The color "pink" does not exist.
This module is inspirated by the common mistake of forgetting the value of the colors in a resistance.