1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

oky v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Oky is a JavaScript type testing library.


Install the stable version:

npm install --save oky

Install validators with oky-validators package

npm install --save oky-validators


Oky is very simple, you just need to use validate function with some validators


 * Validate
 * @param {(Validator | Validator[] | object)} validators
 * @param {any} value - value to test
 * @returns {(boolean | string | string[] | object)} Return true when success or errors when failure.
 *    Errors format depends on the validators format :
 *    it returns an array if validators args is an array and object if validators args is an object
validate(validators, value);

It takes 2 arguments, validators, and value and returns true when success and errors list when failure

validators args can be :

  • A validator
import { validate } from "oky";
import { isInteger } from "oky-validators";

const validator = isInteger;

validate(validator, 3); // return true
validate(validator, "hello"); // return "isIntegerFailed"
  • A list of validators
import { validate } from "oky";
import { isInteger, isPositive } from "oky-validators";

const validators = [isInteger, isPositive];

validate(validators, 3); // return true
validate(validators, "hello"); // return ["isIntegerFailed", "isPositiveFailed"]
  • A hash with validators
const validators = {
  name: {
    first: [isString, isPresent],
    last: [isString, isPresent]
  age: [isInteger, isPositive, isPresent]

validate(validators, {
  name: {
    first: "Obi-Wan",
    last: "Kenobi"
  age: 42
// return true

validate(validators, {
  name: {
    first: 35,
    last: "Kenobi"
  age: -42
 * return {
 *   name: {
 *     first: ["isStringFailed"]
 *   },
 *   age: ["isPositiveFailed"]
 * }

Create custom Validator

You can create your own validator with validator function

 * Create New Validators
 * @param {string} name - Validator name
 * @param {Function} func - Function validation, return `true` when succeed or `false` when failure
 * @param {string?} errorMessage - Custom error message
 * @return {Validator} - validator
createValidator(name: string, func: Function, errorMessage?: string);

func argument is the function validation :

const funcValidation = (value: any): boolean
import { validate, createValidator } from "oky";

const isBlue = createValidator("isBlue", (value) => {
  return value ==== "blue";

validate(isBlue, "blue") //=> return true
validate(isBlue, "red") //=> return "isBlueFailed"

const isRed = createValidator("isRed", (value) => value ==== "red", "isNotRed");

validate(isRed, "red") //=> return true
validate(isRed, "blue") //=> return "isNotRed"


validate is curried by default

import { validate } from "oky";
import { isInteger, isPositive } from "oky-validators";

const checkValidation = validate([isInteger, isPositive]);
checkValidation(3); // return true

validate([isInteger, isPositive])(3); // return true;

Validators list

See oky-validators package
