1.0.2 • Published 5 months ago

on-chain-friends-react-sdk v1.0.2

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5 months ago

Airstack On-Chain Friends SDK (by Compound VR EthIndia 2023)


This repository contains a set of scripts and utilities for fetching, processing, and visualizing blockchain-related data. The primary focus is on fetching on-chain graph data, calculating scores for users, transforming data for visualization, and fetching details about NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) events.

Getting Started

To use this project, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Hrishikesh-Thakkar/compound-vr-eth-india-2023-sdk.git
    cd compound-vr-eth-india-2023-sdk
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up your environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root of the project and add your Airstack API key:

  4. Get data in .json files:

    1. On ChainGraph Data
    2. Transformed onchain graph data for visualization graph
    3. Token Nft data by tokenAddress and tokenId
    4. POAP event data by eventId and blockchain
  5. Run the following command to see above data for given identity in json files:

    npm run fetch


Above command will fetch data for given identity and store it in json files in root folder.

  • onChainGraphUsers.json: OnChainGraph Data for given identity
  • onChainGraphWithScore.json: OnChainGraph Data with score for given identity
  • visualisationData.json: Transformed onchain graph data for visualization graph for given identity
  • nft.json: Token Nft data by tokenAddress, tokenId and blockchain
  • poapEvent.json: POAP event data by eventId and blockchain


  • fetchOnChainGraphData(identityOrAddress):[recommendedUsers]: Fetches onchain graph data for a given identity or address as input and returns onchain graph data
  • transformData(recommendedUsers, limit):{ nodes, links }: Takes onchain graph data with score and limit of data to be used as input and returns transformed data for visualization graph in the form of nodes and links
  • calculatingScore(recommendedUser, weightsMap):{...recommendedUser, score}: Takes a recommended user, weightsMap(optional) as input and returns it with a score based on weights of different parameters
  • createAddressMap(recommendedUsers):{address: recommendedUser}: Takes onchain graph data as input and returns a map of address to recommended user for easy access of user details in visualisation graph
  • fetchNftDetails(tokenAddress, tokenId, blockchain):{...nftDetails}: Takes tokenAddress, tokenId and blockchain as input and returns NFT details
  • fetchPoapEventDetails(eventId, blockchain):{...poapEventDetails}: Takes eventId and blockchain as input and returns POAP event details
  • airstack: A wrapper around the @airstack/node sdk so you don't have to install it separately

5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago