1.0.0-0 • Published 2 months ago

one-instruction-cyclic-tag v1.0.0-0

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2 months ago

One-Instruction Cyclic Tag

One-Instruction Cyclic Tag (OICT) is an esoteric language for programming cyclic tag systems using just a single instruction. OICT is inspired by Bitwise Cyclic Tag and its alphabet is also composed solely of two symbols: 0 and 1.

All symbols other than 0 and 1, including whitespace, are ignored as comments.

OICT is Turing complete, as it can directly simulate any cyclic tag system, which has been proven to be universal.

Instruction TAG

The only instruction, TAG, used to define a production takes two arguments and has the following form:


Where n is a non-negative integer.

  • The first argument, represented by the sequence of 1s following the initial 1, defines the length of the production.
  • The second argument, the sequence of 0s and 1s following the first 0 in the instruction, represents the production string.


Whitespaces are added for readability.

Production (101):

1 111 0 101

Productions (011, 10, 101):

1 111 0 011
1 11 0 10
1 111 0 101

Productions (1, ε, 0):

1 1 0 1
1 0
1 1 0 0


Optionally, an interpreter might implement an additional DEBUG instruction, denoted by ;, which provides information about the current execution status, such as the current word and the computation step.

DEBUG is not a computation instruction, therefore it won't increase the step counter:


Outputs (step: word)

0: 1, 1: 011, 2: 11, 3: 1101, 4: 101011, ...

JavaScript interpreter

npm i one-instruction-cyclic-tag
const oict = require('one-instruction-cyclic-tag')

// Productions: (011, 10, 101)
oict('11110011;111010;11110101;', // program code
    '1',                          // initial word
     5,                           // max steps
     console.log                  // debug
//     "011" 1
//      "11" 2
//    "1101" 3
//  "101011" 4
// "0101110" 5
